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And probably written by the office secretary, busy life she must lead ! Cant see where she gets time to sleep with modeling,
writing novels, replying to maybe 2 - 3 forums all in 1 day i bet too ! !!!!!!

i really cant see it being her personal replies, surley no female can multi task that much can they ??

mind you if i was with her i dont think id get much sleep either !!
reptililian said:
It's a sad indication of what we are interested in, isn't it Hix. :(

I couldn?t agree more; of course I was merely suggesting I?d have to help her with her busy life style !!
peterjohnson64 said:
Each to their own Bex. to me that is a REAL Diamond Python.

How can you define that as a 'real' diamond python? Good to see mine are all rubber snakes that i heat then.

thats just a stupid may prefer them, but your opinion doesn't make them any more real
reptililian said:
She's also an author.
An author? Puhlease! Yeah ST, she's so right up there with f. Scott. Ftizgerald, Tomas Hardy, Steinbeck, Henry Lawson, Austen et al! :roll:

Hey, you missed out Anne Rice!!! Anyway i didnt say i'm a Tara Moss fan, because i'm not. I find her "perfect" face and body to be quite boring. Her face has no character!!
peterjohnson64 said:
No Zo & Bek, it's like us old blokes call an XY GTHO a "real" car. We don't think that BA GTP's are fake. We just like the old stuff. and thats what diamonds looked like when I was a kid and XY's were the rage. (Now ST will accuse me of calling him old - you can't win on this place)

Are you calling me old, Pete!!!! :shock:
And Anne Radford?

Or is it Radcliff? I can never remember. But she is the QUEEN of gothic literature. All forests and castles and kidnappings.

And for gloom, how can anyone go past the Bronte sisters. All three of them!
reptililian said:
Pete, at uni we had to write all our own stuff! And people call students lazy!!! :roll: I don't know what cricketers and footballers have got to write about anyway. "Yeah, I just try to run really fast into the guys in the other colour. And give 110%. Grunt grunt grunt" :roll:

For a real Australian hero try someone like Weary Dunlop or Nancy White! :D

Or Chopper Read? :lol:
Helen Demedenko... maybe. I read that she actually tried to sell her work as a novel, but no publishers were interested, and that everyone who knew her knew that it was a work of fiction.

Chopper Reed? Did he save lots and lots of lives too, just like Weary and Nancy? Not familiar with him. Is he regarded as one of the "greats"?

I'm not entirely convinced one of my diamonds is real. She is such a dear sweet thing, I think she must be an angel!
Dear Lily,

instead of dispensing the implication that guys have a chance of getting you in the sack if they own a stumpy tailed skink, can you say it's Varanus gilleni that gets you going? I'd consider giving you a cut of the profits I'd make due to the 150% price rise.



P.S. let me know if I need to add emoticons to the main text of this post in order to stay out of trouble, or alternatively, make the alterations yourself ;)
Sack? No, no sacks Sdaji! Sheesh, what kinda girl do you think I am???

What's a Varanus gilleni, anyway? Is that just a tricky name for a water python?

I suspected you may have wanted to make a contribution to this particular thread, but I thought you'd be joining in on our discusion of authors we admire as authors or people. I had you pegged as more the intellectual type, rather than the capatalistic, money-hungry type!

reptililian said:
Sack? No, no sacks Sdaji! Sheesh, what kinda girl do you think I am???

What's a Varanus gilleni, anyway? Is that just a tricky name for a water python?

I suspected you may have wanted to make a contribution to this particular thread, but I thought you'd be joining in on our discusion of authors we admire as authors or people. I had you pegged as more the intellectual type, rather than the capatalistic, money-hungry type!


I think you've already given most of the members the idea of yourself you intended, no need for me to comment further ;)

No tricky names, Varanus gilleni is a species of lizard. Here are some of the ones I bred last season



I don't think many members here would recognise the names of my favourite authors, let alone appreciate discussion pertaining to them. Now you know not to peg people too soon and sometimes, it's best not to at all. I wouldn't call myself a capatalist (sic) or even a capitalist, if I was I wouldn't be bothering with things like Water Pythons, Gillen's Monitors, Garden Skinks or many of the other species I keep ;) You're the one buying up all the expensive prospective breeders ;)
Oops! In my amused state did I commit a spelling error? I thought what you wrote was funny!

Damn straight, it's me and albino olives all the way!

Yeah, I like to flirt. we all get our kicks in different ways! If people really knew how boring and terminally celibate I was they'd be making
spelling errors in their mirth too! Sad but true.
reptililian said:
Oops! In my amused state did I commit a spelling error? I thought what you wrote was funny!

Damn straight, it's me and albino olives all the way!

Yeah, I like to flirt. we all get our kicks in different ways! If people really knew how boring and terminally celibate I was they'd be making
spelling errors in their mirth too! Sad but true.

Glad to have amused you to the point of vernacular disruption.

Have fun with your olives, who's the capatilist now? ;)

Wow, as much as I dislike dangling carrots, I can't help but be impressed by the skill with which you do it! A celibate carrot! Very enticing, no doubt!
Reminds me of one of my fav authors....
"O beware, my lord, jealousy is the green eye'd monster that doth mock the meat it feeds on"
W. Shakespeare.
william shakespear wrote his plays to be entertaining. he intended them to be entertaining and not boreing. he would roll over in his grave if he knew that thousands of children/teens around the world are being forced to read his literature. the man created the plays to be entertaining but now his creation is being controlled by an evil force, that is the educational subject of english.

on the tara moss subject congrats to her on getting a diamond python. lol lets get her to join aps, could give lily some competition!
olivehydra said:
Reminds me of one of my fav authors....
"O beware, my lord, jealousy is the green eye'd monster that doth mock the meat it feeds on"
W. Shakespeare.

Are you suggesting that I am eating Lily, or is it the other way around?

Shakespeare is the most over rated author in the history of our planet. Not a terrible author, for his time and style, but very over rated.
No, I was just expressing my taste in authors. I believe, however, that Shakespeare was not suggesting anything other than how foolish a jealous person shows themself to be. I hope you change your view on his work someday. If understood correctly, most agree that he was anything but over rated.
Are you jealous Sdaji? I was just kidding about the albino olives!
reptililian said:
Are you jealous Sdaji? I was just kidding about the albino olives!

Jealous? About Olive Pythons? Hehehe :) They're like a lobotomised Water Pythons which grow too large (10' is big enough for me :) ), have lost their beautiful yellow bellies and instead of having gorgeous rainbows all over, they're a dull matt brown! Albinoes are worse again!

Start talking about some nice Womas, Vipers, Death Adders or Red Bellied Blacks and I might begin to turn green ;) You won't get me jealous about Water Pythons because I already have the best ones :D

(Sorry to all the Olive and albino lovers out there, each to their own etc etc etc, just pointing out the absurdity of me being jealous about Olives due to them not being my thing ;) )
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