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I really think this thread should go away,

It's not helping anyone with all the remarks,

I think people should grow up and act their age and also be more picky when it comes to new partners, take your time, know them for more than a few weeks before living together, you might find before it's too late that you have bitten off more than you can chew!
I'm sorry but am I the only one who thinks she is not doing anything wrong.

And i hope she doesnt' come crawling back.

Sorry just my opinion.

where in my post did i mention that i had cheated on her, and where in my post did i say that iv been wit another woman for a year whilst living there wit my ex. there is no double dipping going on. the only thing that is happening is that im tryin to give both the kids (1 of them not being mine) the best chance of life possible! if i wasn there the kids would not get out of the house, her daughter would have trouble getting to school, she wouldn have any1 to take her to do her food shopping. yes there is more than 1 side to every story there are actually3, my side, her side and the truth, i tell my story as unbias as possible, yes im no angel but witout me id hate to think where she would be!

no actually i no where she would be she would be back to slitting her wrists again or beta yet she would be hanging out wit the local motorcyle gang, i wont mention there name, and id hate for that to happen not only for the klids sake but for her sake!

so b4 any1 especially women start to critises, stop and think, mayb he is really a nice caring guy wit a big heart and mayb he wants the best for her and both the kids. but at the end of the day if u want to flame me bring it on! ;)
Aw comeon!!

I want to see the lynching.

Besides warp, this thread ain't about you any more

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Aw comeon!!

I want to see the lynching.

Besides warp, this thread ain't about you any more

yeah i jus noticed that i jus read through the whole thread, WOW MY THREAD HAS BEEN HIJACKED and its actually turned in to a good read! i only posted to get things off my chest
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there are so many things i want to say, but the comment about keeping the child and having nothing to do with the father ever again disturbs me!
so your going to put your own emotions and happiness above your childs?
speak to some people who have grown up without a father and see what they say? it is FAR from the best interests of the child to have to be brought up and live in a situation like this.

what happened to the loving aussie family..... it disappeared long ago! right out the [deleted] window with courtesy and consideration.....

a damn shame that.... makes me think twice about bringing children into this ever declining world we call home!

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LOL Tx enjoy the infraction for that f-bomb you dropped there, hix spanked me for doing the exact same thing. Damn Stickler!

I know where you're coming from, being born illegitimately and never knowing my father has been a constant source of pain and anger in my life - and this lady's decision to deny the child a right to know its father is just wrong. For shame!
i was luckily enough 2 no my dad and since my mum and him broke up its been very hard livin without him and i 100% agree with u tx-lll and garra
Its your claim that he was abusive. And I dont think you should be making claims like that freely in public without sufficient evidence, and even then its not something that should be discussed freely in public.
Yep infractions will be issued for swearing etc, even though the posts made are of a nature to rile most people up and inadvertely attract that sort of attention from those who's nerves has been hit. I couldn't begin to describe my feelings earlier, hence I logged off, let the Mr's on & went for a drive (had things to do anyway). I just hope the mods see past the reactions of some & look more into the actual problems that started it.
someone needs to contact jerry springer and inform him of this thread tho
good point the nothing i do admit it is interesting but i thinks its getting a bit personal
Oh yeah, and it shouldn't be here, but if it's upsetting people as much as it seems, then said people shouldn't read it.
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