Stolen Pygmy Stimsons - Last night

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Do your friends who you gave a lift home have a younger kid? maybe they could of texted their friends when they knew that the house was empty ?
not another one of these threads!
geez, if i see any more of these threads chances are i'll end up sitting behind my front door with a shot gun and never leave the house again,..

really sorry to hear this happened, i cant imagine anything worse than having animals stolen, wouldnt care less about anything else, but id be stressed out of my mind not knowing if they were being cared for like they would be with me! :(

i really hope you get them back,...i'll keep my fingers crossed for you. :(
I agree, if they are "too small", but at what size do you say is too small????

The old minimum size for microchips with frogs was about 6cm, these days super microchips can do a frog as small as a fallax, about 2cm long and barely wide at all and even tadpoles have had markers developed (which are slightly different), I doubt any snake at any age is too small for these microchips but as snakes differ from frogs I may be wrong.
By the way I use frogs as example because I have plenty of first hand knowledge in micro-chipping of frogs.
Thanks alot guys for the support! Im still ratteling my brain. I know that the girls I had at my house that night know nothing about snakes and the last 2 nights ive been working nighshift so tonight im heading out and about with mates to ask questions. The police havent been in contact so no leads there. My other suspision is that one of my neighbours works for a wildlife centre. Would it be worth contacting them to see if they are there?? I just dont want to accuse just anyone... but Im wanting to cover all tracks. My neighbours are still sitting in my mind at the culprits but how do I prove it?

I havent had any stranger over at my house and whenever there has been I hide the snakes. (Usually cos I dont want my friends freaking out after other mates reactions!lol) My neighbours didnt even see them but i mentioned that I was picking them up months ago but havent spoken about them since.

Im starting to be at a loss as to where to go next??
Hey Fay.. it was just the snakes from my house! Other thing from the other houses!
oh OK, sounds funny to me, as you could imagine that other things would be much easier to access...i.e cameras, tv's etc
That is why it seems a bit funny, knew exactly what they were looking for...
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I am really sorry to hear that this has happened to you, as I am everytime this happens (sadly fairly often).
Have you ever had anyone that you can recall take any interest at all in your snakes, or have you talked about the value of them at all to them? It really might just all be a very unlucky coincidence and completely random, but possibly not.
My advice/suggestions for getting them back (hopefully):
An ad in the paper "Wanting snakes, good prices paid". You never know.
See if anyone at your local paper will do a story on your case, talk all about how much the pets mean to you, how the markings are easily identifyable, offer a reward to anyone that can help, and suggest a random drop-off point someplace. No questions asked.
Go door knocking around your local area, maybe even post flyers. Keep it nice and non-confronting. As much as a mega a*r*s*e whooping this/these t*u*r*d*s really deserve.

Anyways I really wish you the best with this, it really angers me when I hear of it happening over and over again. You really don't deserve this, no one does. Hugs.
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Does seem strange that they targeted only the snakes, seems like they must have been able to watch your place pretty closely to know when to strike. You feel very violated after someone breaks into your house. Hope you find some answers soon.
Agree with everyone's sentiments and fingers crossed you get them back. Something to bear in mind with break ins is the likely hood of a return visit from the culprits. An initial theft is also plenty of time to case your property for further items of interest, so be vigilant and perhaps take some extra steps in security which you've no doubt done.
Two points…

You are assuming the same individuals broke into the other houses in the area. That may not be the case at all. It may be coincidence.

To my mind it is evident that the thieves targeted your snakes, nothing else. It has to be someone who knows you have them. How well do you trust the person you bought them from? It would not be the first time someone has sold something and then gone around and stolen it. I know of a couple of bird related thefts like that. Or could they have passed on the information, including your address to someone else?

As for the neighbour and the wildlife centre, I’d check it out. You might ask a friend to go in for you if you don’t want to be recognised. They just have ask if they have any Stimson’s as they are thinking about getting a snake and these have been recommend as an ideal starter animal, so they want see one first without the hard sell from a pet store. Or something like that.

Good luck,
be seen getting some green rubber snakes and use them as gtp's as a replacement of your lost ones to lure the thieves in your striking distance
no seriously i would put the word out that you have replaced your snakes with new ones and that you think the snakes just escaped as you might have mistakenly left the door open and snakes are long gone and that your not going to let it turn you off the hobby.... have a camera set up at all times one at the front door watching the traffic one near the enclosure undetected.......if you have a suspect make out to them your going away over night........yeah they might be sus on your behalf but they will take into consideration that it could be all true and stoke your place out while your supposed to be gone. i would try all avenues as if it where me i would be seriously pissed off.........angry and emotionally damaged.....
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Get friendly with all the local pet shops that sell frozen mice and husbandry products. Maybe they can keep an eye out for new customers that buy items to possibly service your animals.

Oh and to those that have suggested microchipping as a solution. A microchip is not a GPS tracking device and would only be of value to provide a positive identification of a suspected stolen or lost animal. The only problem is the animal has to be located first and then scanned because of suspicion. Otherwise microchips would be of no real value as I have yet to see a vet giving a general check-up or a person buying a reptile use a chip scanner as part of their routine checks.

Also I have made enquiries in the past about insurance and couldn't find an insurer to cover my animals for theft. Maybe if enough people made enquiries an insurer may develop a theft policy for herp collections just a thought.

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Condolences with your loss, I'd be livid. Well trained Dogs are one of the best forms of deterrence, esp the Bull Breeds. Sorry Im not going to say what other security I have here ;)
Two points…

It has to be someone who knows you have them. How well do you trust the person you bought them from?

Good luck,

so your saying that i stole them as i no she had them and i sold them to her
I hope you get them back.....some people need to be SHOT!!. Fingers crossed mate xx.
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