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Jun 17, 2008
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people i am well aware of the debate that is constantly raging on over the hybrid/intergrade animals out there and i am auctually quite interested in seeing some peoples own pets without then recieving abuse and also lets just throw up some pics of our animals to give people a look at
My intergrades are probably my favourite of all my snakes, though i will never breed with them.




I've posted these like 20 times.
Why do you want to breed them? Why not a pure diamond? Depending what state you are in, it is illegal to cross breed. That is if you are in Australia.
An intergrade isnt a hybrid, this topic has been flogged to death and people still have no idea......amazing.
Yes, but still people sell diamond intergrades as pure diamonds dont they?
Dan, are yours natural intergrades or hybrids? There's a big difference between the two and there is nothing in the world wrong with breeding natural intergrades, hybrids however...
Sold to me as intergrades, but i have my doubts. When i bought them, i never intended to breed with them anyways.
my so called intergrades to some members :) are pure F1 coffs harbour coastal carpet pythons (Morelia spilota mcdowelli) or natural intergrade pythons, on another note though as long as pure genetics are kept in the reptile community there should be no problem breeding hybrids of any kind as long as the breeder honestly sells the animal as what it is not some fancy name to make a sale, IMO sorry im not having a go kay :)
If you have doubts about them Dan then i commend you for deciding not to breed them. Well done. ;)
Coffs harbours are totally fine, amazing animals. I thought you meant you had hybrids and were going to breed them.
Dan19, I think you are confusing an integrade with a hybrid/cross bred animal. An integrade is a naturally occuring python that comes from far north coast of NSW, Port Stephens up towards Coffs so to speak. It is not a man made cross such as a diamond/coastal as many seem to think. So there is nothing wrong with breeding integrades (more and more are refering them to Port Mac carpets instead of integrades as it is a bad name for a stunning animal) but some people have it in for those breeding hybrids though.


edit: typed this out, got sidetracked and then hit submit. Bit too late though...LOL.;)
looks like an intergrade to me. i really like it. i understand that you would have reservations in breeding if you had doubts tho
Wouldn't every subspecies of carpet have integrades, not just the diamond/coastal ones? It seems logical to me that they would, as the territories overlap in places, like they do with the diamonds and coastals.
Why do you want to breed them? Why not a pure diamond? Depending what state you are in, it is illegal to cross breed. That is if you are in Australia.

just curious what states is it illegal to cross breed in?
Wouldn't every subspecies of carpet have integrades, not just the diamond/coastal ones? It seems logical to me that they would, as the territories overlap in places, like they do with the diamonds and coastals.
i like how you think :) :) i beleive that nearly all carpet sub sp have intermediate forms where their ranges over lap, some examples IMO gammon ranges intergrade metcalfei imbicata, cape coastals intergrade variegata cheynei, cairns and townsville coastals intergrade mcdowelli cheynei, there realy needs to be some deep DNA research done on all python species let alone the carpets
i like how you think :) :) i beleive that nearly all carpet sub sp have intermediate forms where their ranges over lap, some examples IMO gammon ranges intergrade metcalfei imbicata, cape coastals intergrade variegata cheynei, cairns and townsville coastals intergrade mcdowelli cheynei, there realy needs to be some deep DNA research done on all python species let alone the carpets
I've seen the gammon ranges ones, and I have to say they are some of the prettiest carpets I've seen yet, but it didn't occur to me that they might be an integrade! I just thought it was a quirky isolated locality. I will have to check out the other ones too!
I know that I have seen one reference in something of stimsons/childreni integrades, regarding patterning, but I can't say I've ever seen any antaresia labelled as an integrade before.
But I don't doubt they exist, and that a few of the localities people seem to like looking for in specific subspecies, are actually integrades.
off topic alittle but 15yrs or so ago H.G.Cogger had all 3 antaresia sp in one sp labeled as liasis childreni, now we know them as we do today so until somebody does the research nobody can be to sure on what is a full sp, sub sp, geografic variety, intergrade or intermediates with the morelia spilota sp complex, im sure there would be plenty of intergrade examples out there its just not many people think of there animals as intergrades hehe sorry guys they maybe though hahaha :)
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