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I have three words to say,

**** That ****

Im such a pussy when it comes to pain, even though Im a nurse and I cause pain on a daily basis if anybody thinks about sticking a needle into me I freak out. I dont know why but I have always had a low pain threshold.

I do think bodymodification looks good though. Only if its done correctly.
congrats webcol. that looks @#$%ING awesome. wish i had the balls to get some scarification done. i think i will just settle for getting my tongue split for now. i have researched it intensively and think im ready for it now.
haha i dont think i could bring myself to split my tongue, and if i did i would become single..

for the love of god man! what stoicism! though i get what you mean when you talk about the endorphins and relaxation, after we brand calves they go all silly and docile - sorry if the analogy offends.

I'm studying medieval history at the moment and i have to say, this is very reminiscent. I just wrote an essay on this guy who was executed by mock coronation where they tied him to a red hot iron throne and crowned him with a similarly red hot crown till his blood boiled. eww.

weird question, where do you get the stuff to do it from? i'm guessing it's not one of those things you pick up on ebay...

Most people get modification artists to do it, its heaps easier and safer
Sex God Upgrade

I’m currently considering using Shane Warne hair replacement technology to give each of my nipples their own “Nipple Brow”, (patent pending)

Then I want some scarification done on my feet so that I leave leopard prints when I walk.

My coloured contact lenses are losing their shock factor, so I might have to consider surgery to become a Cyclops.

When I can source some Peacock feathers, I am going to have them imbedded around my forehead. The plumage should look quite attractive.

Has anyone encountered genetically modified pimples or Warts? Looking to have my address in brail on my *** in case I am found pants less by a blind person.

My tongue has been split, which is great and I recommend to anyone who loves spaghetti. Sometime in the next six months I want to have it split twice more, so that I can change my name to Octo-tonge, (ladies the line starts here).

Finally I am seeing an industrial upholsterer to see if he can put a sports grip on my love handles,
I’m currently considering using Shane Warne hair replacement technology to give each of my nipples their own “Nipple Brow”, (patent pending)

Then I want some scarification done on my feet so that I leave leopard prints when I walk.

My coloured contact lenses are losing their shock factor, so I might have to consider surgery to become a Cyclops.

When I can source some Peacock feathers, I am going to have them imbedded around my forehead. The plumage should look quite attractive.

Has anyone encountered genetically modified pimples or Warts? Looking to have my address in brail on my *** in case I am found pants less by a blind person.

My tongue has been split, which is great and I recommend to anyone who loves spaghetti. Sometime in the next six months I want to have it split twice more, so that I can change my name to Octo-tonge, (ladies the line starts here).

Finally I am seeing an industrial upholsterer to see if he can put a sports grip on my love handles,

Almost pee'd my pants.
Did I mention my tail.

I wanted horns, but they only had them in a C, and you only get stared at if you have a set of double D's.

My Vulcan ears are on order, however the intergalactic freight is having some problems because of the magnetic volcano erupting on Alpha Centuri 9.

For Christmas I had a dozen small holes drilled in my nose, and can now play several lively tunes. The downside is that when you have a cold and sneeze it's like snot fireworks, (Spectacular and green).
I've got three stretchers in each ear, navel piercing, septum piercing, both cheeks pierced and am in the process of two full sleeves.
My wife had her knees reversed, so she now walks like and Emu. She wanted the same procedure for her elbows, but they could not find a left handed donor in time.

She also had some plumbing work done, so she now pee’s from her boobs. This does tend to create a bit of drama at the urinal. Unfortunately breast feeding is no longer an potion.

If she gets her but cheeks split, would you recommend that she goes horizontal or vertical.

She had a voice box inserted in her rectum. While she can fart Shakespeare, she has a split personality, (hey we should start a thread on personality modifications). You do not want to be in the same room when she has an argument with herself.
Ok, well, I would prefer it if there were no "You are so stupid" comments with this next statement as I did it under a very hygenic situation using quite expensive, hospital grade medical equipment and they turned out quite well. Anyway, back on to the subject, I have done a small scarification of my name on my leg and a faded, not very well done, scarification of freedom in Japanese on my arm.

nothing wrong with a bit of experimentation!
half my piercings i did myself... some of them worked, some of them didnt... some of them healed faster then ones that i got professionally!
My wife had her knees reversed, so she now walks like and Emu. She wanted the same procedure for her elbows, but they could not find a left handed donor in time.

She also had some plumbing work done, so she now pee’s from her boobs. This does tend to create a bit of drama at the urinal. Unfortunately breast feeding is no longer an potion.

If she gets her but cheeks split, would you recommend that she goes horizontal or vertical.

She had a voice box inserted in her rectum. While she can fart Shakespeare, she has a split personality, (hey we should start a thread on personality modifications). You do not want to be in the same room when she has an argument with herself.

Pmsl, bored Tinky?
I'm pondering Venoms nows :D

Don't know when I'll get them... but it's a new itch that needs to be scratched sometime in the near future :]
I'm pondering Venoms nows :D

Don't know when I'll get them... but it's a new itch that needs to be scratched sometime in the near future :]

Get them :p I got 3 dermal last night I haven't been on the comp for a few days only iPhone I should upload some wen I go on next

got the dermals done and now pic is up this was bout an hour after they were done thats why there soo red and yeh
what's a bridge piercing?

Anyways, I have a dream piercing greater than any dream of getting a tattoo...

I want to get the length of my spine dermal'd at about 1.5 inch centres... from hair line to top of *** crack... does anyone know any info on these procedures? Obviously I expect them to be pretty High care in the realm of making sure clothing doesn't get caught or anything... But if I'm willing to put in the work (AND MONEY!) is there any other difficulties and drawbacks?

I can pinch the skin over my spine so I'm hoping I have enough to have it pierced...

I'm guessing I'll need between 15 and 17 dermals depending on final placement...

(so excited and hoping it can be done)
bridge piercing is at the top of your noes, between your eyes (bridge of your nose) :)
really bad spot for healing, and there's a good chance due to knocking it about, etc, that it'll end up healing crooked.
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