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sorry to hear that horsenz, im getting 2 bredli freighted in a few weeks and hope it all goes smoothly

fingers crossed they find him
I'd be getting copies to show that they did in fact recieve the goods, a signed statement to that effect from the office that booked them in would be perfect. Also something signed from the sender to say that they have sent it (collaborative evidence type stuff...please note i am NOT saying the sender didnt send them or trying to imply ANY such thing). A copy of the payment made/receipt etc etc. That way you can really light a big fire under their rears.

Also give them a time frame before you report it to the police. Technically they have failed to deliver the item within an acceptable time frame and they have no idea where it is. Missing cars are reported to the police as are missing bikes so the snake should definitely be reported so long as you give them a little warning. Reporting it to the police also gives you more of a paper trail for later on if it comes to that.
I was thinking (quick, alert the media) I wonder if the two snakes were sent to Melbourne(or wherever the other snake was picked up from) and the two snakes were picked up by the person who ordered the one snake??? Just a thought!!

Maybe the people at AAE might of thought the two packages were for that one person.(if the packages were together and on top of each other)...is there any way of knowing whether someone collected two packages instead of one?
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i rang the police just for information on what i should do or who could help me with this situation, and was told that there's nothing that they can do about it, and they don't know who can help me. townsville airport do have proof of receiving the animal and proof that it was put on the plane,
so somewhere in between leaving townsvill and arriving in Brisbane he's fallen off the face of the earth.,
Garthnfay that's a good thought but, i saw the Melbourne snake package ... it was just one package..
i have spoken to the queensland police , the federal police and tried the epa, no one seems to want to help..
i am looking forward to hearing back from AaE about the surveillance tapes..
i'd be getting copies or written and signed statements from townsville airport if i were you. Also se if the cops will atleast accept a report of lost/stolen property. They might not be able to do anything but they can atleast create a paper trail. Just get an incident number or the equivalent from them to show that it is recorded.
This is why I won't freight and turn away would be buyers from interstate and regional areas.

The Brisbane and Sydney offices of AAE have both told me recently that they would only accept bearded dragons hatchies that were packed into a wooden crate or box. I think that is just a way of getting the weight and therefore the cost up.

What a joke!

Perhaps it's time that AAE's head office were sent links to threads like this so they know how much their staff stuff us around, how much business it is costing them, and how poor their reputation is becoming.

I make my own wooden boxes and can make them weigh under 1kg with hatchlings in them.
Horsenz...have you mentioned legal action yet? Amazing what the word lawsuit can do. Also see what the dept. of fair trading has to say (or the relevant gov't body for you). My dealings with those bodies is that they are generally really helpful and can advise you on courses of action.
Horsenz- Also see what the dept. of fair trading has to say (or the relevant gov't body for you). My dealings with those bodies is that they are generally really helpful and can advise you on courses of action.

It is worth a go I guess, no one else seems to want to help.

The Police are not in a position to help, unless your suspicions are that the sender didn't actually send them after receiving your money, then no criminal offence has taken place - it will be considered a mistake...and since you have paperwork suggesting that the sender did actually place them on the plane then there is no indication that anything criminal has occurred...

Dept of Fair Trading is a good starting point, and failing that you will need to speak to a solicitor about pursuing the matter further as civil proceedings...you will most likely find that AAE will try and avoid a civil suit like the plague - and as much as it is most likely a mistake, they are still responsible for that mistake and you are the one out of pocket - they will know that and possibly lift their game a little when it comes to finding him...

Dont forget that AAE dont own any planes and the fault might not even be theirs
Dont forget that AAE dont own any planes and the fault might not even be theirs

even if they don't own the planes, it is still their responsibility to ensure things being freighted by their company make it to their rightful owner.
their website states . "AaE has its own, fully containerised, air freighter linehaul network"
I would seek legal advice, you may or may not have a good case :(
Have you asked them to pay the cost of the snake and freight? I would be suprised if they didnt if their other choice was a law suit that would cost more even if they dont lose.
even if they don't own the planes, it is still their responsibility to ensure things being freighted by their company make it to their rightful owner.
their website states . "AaE has its own, fully containerised, air freighter linehaul network"

Yeah they are responsible however what has happened might of been totally beyond their control (ie:something quantas has or hasn't done)
Dont forget that AAE dont own any planes and the fault might not even be theirs

If you pay a company money to transport your goods from one point to another , then it is 100% their responsibility to make sure they get your good to you ,that's what your paying for after all ......just my opinion

Qantas has nothing to do with AAE as far as the ground handling of any item are concerned.
Also the planes are labelled AAE so there for it would be AAE who would be solely responsible for what happenes to lost items.

All animal are speciffically placed in one section of the plane. It is obvious that they have handed a customer too many items for collection and that they would probably have your snake.

It would be easy for you to check if the person has actually sent the item with AAE. As the seller for their consignment note number and ask them what flight the animals were being sent on. This will all be documented and records will be available to be checked.

I would mention the value of the animal in question and also mention that you have sought legal advice on the matter.

I hope this works out for the best and that you end up with your snake. Unfortunately due to the time that it has already taken I fear the worst.

Keep in constant contact with the seller and ask them to do all they can at their end. If AAE keeps on getting calls they will soon get sick of it and you may get a result.
We have a consignment number,the seller definitely sent the item with AaE , like I have mentioned earlier on this thread, Townsville AaE have proof that they put our snake on the plane coming down to Brisbane..It has been misplaced by this end of the company.
The seller will be getting a full refund for the item and the freight costs, and replacing our snake,(which is really good of him, since this isn't any fault of his) but this isn't the point, I want to know what happened to the original snake..
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