Anti Gay America, Rick Perry

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i just think its gross seeing 2 guys kiss.....

other then that i couldnt give a rats what other people in society are doing, as long as it doesnt affect me or my family!!!!

I feel the same about a male and female couple, and they do it everywhere... at least most of us are a little more discrete.
i just think its gross seeing 2 guys kiss.....

other then that i couldnt give a rats what other people in society are doing, as long as it doesnt affect me or my family!!!!

I (being a male) also don't want to see two guys kiss... But, controversially, I also don't want to see two girls kiss either.

This way I don't have double standards. But that's not the only reason.

Unfortunately I am such a heterosexual, that if two girls are going at it, then all I think about is - that's two girls I'll never have :(
I mean seriously, you don't have to agree or support anyone that you don't want to. But you do need to give eneryone a fair go.
Well said!
And to all the haters, i'll be thinking of you when i go on a date tonight!
You have a date?!?!?! Fill me in via PM :)

Oh and just a heads up for Tekno and Kurto, Jay is like the incredible hulk of the gay world! He will put the smack down on anyone who takes him on!
Read the latests comments on FB.... not as ripped as i was a few months ago lol

Jay sorry not saying either way, but I'm just over hearing about it. Particularly the guy that speaks about it on the 5pm 2DayFM news, he says it like if we don't get it our lives are destroyed. They're not, we have the right to live, have the right to have sex with who we want, to work without the fear of being decriminated...
Dave, yes, it is annoying hearing about it all the time. It annoys me that it has to be heard all the time. But until things change it will continue to be heard.

You say we have the right to have sex with who we want, work without fear of being discriminated etc. I am genuinely happy for you that you have not experienced this, because many others have. I was bullied at my first place of employment. There were a group of guys who constantly ridiculed me and picked on me. This was years before i came out, this was when i was a 14 year old boy.

Until gays are seen as equal in every way will the discrimination start to crumble furhter away. Because it will be more socially acceptable.

As you know, on my recent holiday to QLD, Dan and i were walking around Brisbane and its suburbs. We had mothers with kids driving past yelling abuse at us, guys in the shopping strips making crude jokes about us. We were not holding hands, we were not doing anything that could have been offensive to anyone. Yet we were subjected to being treated like we were diffrent from everyone else.

This is lucky compaired to alot of countries. I don't see all these "marriage equality" people even considering the stoning and jailing of poofs overseas.

This is like saying...... i will not support an Australian charity who provides for underpriviledged kids in Australia, because there are other places in the world that are worse off.

Until then I will not vote against gay marriage (i had a think about what you said the other day Jay), but I will not support it or speak out for it.
Dave, you have no idea how pleased i am that you have changed your mind and will no longer vote against marriage equality. You don't have to be an activist, i do not consider myself an activist, but i will vote for it, and when given the opportunity will try and educate people about it.

I've just started my Mardi Gras duties again for next year, and the amount of uproar of taking "Gay & Lesbian" out of the title of the parade was appalling and this year will be focused on Marriage Equality and I'm going to be so over it by the end.
Just like Christmas carols lol

Gay Guys particularly are some of the most racist and discriminatory people I know, and considering that we are already a minority group complaining of descrimination this makes me sick.
There are bad apples in every group of people. I would like to think that i am not racist or discriminatory in any way. I try to see things from all perspectives. Some things i may not agree on, but i would not try and stop them from doing it if they are not causing harm to anyone.

Jay, you, daniel, my mother and Keith have kind of changed my views on it all alot! but like Gillsy im so over hearing about it! I wish they would hurry up and get it done already!
Ditto, i wish they would hurry up with it too!
lol thats a big step there for my stubborn little self, admitting someone has changed my opinion on something.....bastards!
Maybe being gay is your gods way of population control?
Actually war is, along with pestilence, famine, pogroms, inquisitions and tsunamis, but war is His favorite, at least until climate change gets its act together.

Or as Sidney Poitier says in Guess Who's Coming to Dinner "You are 30 years older than I am. You and your whole lousy generation believes the way it was for you is the way it's got to be. And not until your whole generation has lain down and died will the dead weight of you be off our backs!"
He is talking in a different context but I think it can easily apply to this..
Excellent point

Yup we christians are all ignorant people who only believe what we are told..
You're not just whistling Dixie.

Hey I'd want to be stoned if I had to work on Sunday......oh, you mean the other kind of stoned with rocks and stuff:oops:
And if certain people have their way...

Hi, i'm not christian however i would be careful in saying these sorts of things; I study ancient history, particularly epigraphy and papyrology, and there is actually historical evidence for some of the happenings in the bible (not that they are recorded in anyway objectively of course). Not trying to be rude, just don't want brash comments stated in ignorance starting a fight =]
Well, they were right that Romans existed..

colin, don't confuse Catholicism with Christianity ;) while they may be similar, they are worlds apart in core belief structure.
The flavour of the ice cream is not important, they all make you fat.

And I'm surprised our resident wing-nut has not chimed in on this topic, frothing at the mouth and ranting about people who dare have different lifestyles.
meh ... why cant we all just get along .... lol
way i see it is what people do behind their own doors is for them .....
but then again last time i was in a church was hrmmmmm quite a few years ago ....
i think it should be a given choice ....
then again so many people just live together now days and dont do the full on ties that are meant to bind .....
freedom of choice i say .... as long as its not being pushed onto me or mine I'm good with it
And don't you just think...

well...lets say I'm gay and a "sinner" (for the record, not gay at all), and you're so fantastically perfect and going to "heaven" and I'm going to "hell"...isn't that my problem? and shouldn't you just be happy to "get rid" of me (and hence mind your own business)? (of course it's not a problem at all, because such place doesn't exist)

why is it religion is aloud to be pushed down peoples throats endlessly, and yet, your beliefs about not believing in a God, are expected to be kept to yourself? It's just as disrespectful to not value our views.

if you're against homosexual marriage, it's a simple fix; don't YOU marry your own sex.
why is it religion is aloud to be pushed down peoples throats endlessly, and yet, your beliefs about not believing in a God, are expected to be kept to yourself? It's just as disrespectful to not value our views.

I hear you there.. freedom from religion is not taken seriously enough.. i hope belief in magic sky daddys wanes in my life time.
Why is it the most 'open-minded' people can have the most ridiculously narrow viewpoints?
Open as the Grand Canyon monsieur, but how open is the Grand Canyon really in the greater scheme of things?
I really do not give a hoot what people do at home, be it sexual persuasion, faith or whatever damn hat they prefer to wear to bed. You can talk until you're blue in the face and shove whatever you like down my throat (figuratively, thank you very much - my mind is as filthy as the rest of yours so I'll catch that little snippet as it falls lmao), but at the end of the day whether or not it gets past my ears or my eyes and into my mind is my decision and mine alone.
Why argue? If another wishes to remain ignorant then ignorant they shall remain, and you can take that to the bank.
As you know, on my recent holiday to QLD, Dan and i were walking around Brisbane and its suburbs. We had mothers with kids driving past yelling abuse at us, guys in the shopping strips making crude jokes about us. We were not holding hands, we were not doing anything that could have been offensive to anyone. Yet we were subjected to being treated like we were diffrent from everyone else..

That is absolutely appalling.
That is absolutely appalling.

I consider myself to have pretty thick skin. Usually when getting yelled abuse at or slurs it doesnt bother me. But i dont know why this did while i was on holiday. Also i was recently in Swan Hill for a friends birthday...... i was so uncomfortable, with all the guys in the bar staring, pointing, taklking about me and laughing. It was so intimidating that myself and my mates ended up having to leave the bar because we felt threatened. You never know what these idiots are going to do, whether just be the verbal taunts or whether they will get physical. I felt like i couldn't dance with the girls, enjoy myself, have fun, as every move i made was being scrutinised by this group of about 30 guys (the local footy team).

So those that say we do not suffer discrimination and we live in a free country are wrong.

One of my mates from school got gay bashed after we left school by fellow students. His jaw was broken as was his cheekbone. He was in hospital for ages. That is what disgusts me. If you don't like it or dont agree with homosexuality, then turn away and ignore it. Don't discriminate, don't hate and don't be violent.
I am not perfect,so I don't judge people on their choices in lifestyle(Let He Who Is Without Sin Cast The First Stone).I would rather have a gay wingman to go out looking for girls(it works).Why does one book that is suppose to be so good,promote so much hate.......A gay workmate hugged me today for helping him,didn't catch anything and still like cats(not feline)...
The flavour of the ice cream is not important, they all make you fat.

I wasn't defending them :lol: they're all as bad as each other, organised religion is a blight on a modern society of any kind.

Quote Originally Posted by Jay84 View Post
As you know, on my recent holiday to QLD, Dan and i were walking around Brisbane and its suburbs. We had mothers with kids driving past yelling abuse at us, guys in the shopping strips making crude jokes about us. We were not holding hands, we were not doing anything that could have been offensive to anyone. Yet we were subjected to being treated like we were diffrent from everyone else..

that'll teach you for going into the bogan sector ;P every city has one, so don't try to single us out please, the valley is WELL known to be homosexually friendly and is pretty open in every venue, there is nastiness everywhere if you look for it.

there's also a massive gay friendly community and support in Brisbane.

there is a still a LOT of fear out in the world, mainly thanks to previous generations instilling FUD, but it's ever so slowly changing as time goes by, just have to work ourselves through it.

I would rather have a gay wingman to go out looking for girls(it works).Why does one book that is suppose to be so good,promote so much hate.......A gay workmate hugged me today for helping him,didn't catch anything and still like cats(not feline)...

it's all good as long as you return the favour and wing man for your gay friends equally ;)
'When it comes to bullshit, big-time, major league bullshit, you have to stand in awe of the all-time champion of false promises and exaggerated claims, religion. No contest. Religion easily has the greatest bull story ever told. Think about it. Religion has actually convinced people that there's an invisible man living in the sky who watches everything you do, every minute of every day. And the invisible man has a special list of ten things he does not want you to do. And if you do any of these ten things, he has a special place, full of fire and smoke and burning and torture and anguish, where he will send you to live and suffer and burn and choke and scream and cry forever and ever 'til the end of time!

But He loves you. He loves you, and He needs money! He always needs money! He's all-powerful, all-perfect, all-knowing, and all-wise, somehow just can't handle money! Religion takes in billions of dollars, they pay no taxes, and they always need a little more. Now, you talk about a good bull story.'

Ahh.. How i love you George Carlin.
Throughout history there has not been one religious affiliated political party or individual running for position that has been able to stand on the values of their beliefs without espousing an institutionalised oppression of other human beings.

What I find most repugnant is the hypocritical subjective quotation from the bible (and Leviticus raises its ugly head). Ironic that (for some) it appears as a modern Christian it is fine to apply a particular verse to homosexuals but not be true to all other areas contained in the Book of Leviticus and identify those that do as fundamentalists.

Whether or not you believe that homosexuality is a sin, immoral, or an abomination to nature the argument is not about what you believe is right or wrong but the integrity and morality in the way you treat other people who are different to you.

If you believe that as an individual you have the right to be treated with dignity, respected for your values, beliefs, integrity and positive contribution to society then how can you believe that another human being deserves less?

At the end of the day no one is being asked for anyone’s approval to gay but to realise that if you believe you have the right to be with, date or fall in love with the person of your choice, and have that union celebrated and recognised in an official capacity, not to be discriminated against because of what that person is and not to be harassed or vilified in public, then so does everybody else.
As long as people's choices do not infringe on my 'freedom' or rights I don't see how it's any of my business what they choose to do. I'm personally a Catholic but what really helps me form a more open view on Gay issues is attempting to imagine what it would be like to be in a similar situation. I thought what if heterosexuality was not the norm or more common than homosexuality? I would still be straight and there would be nothing I could do, even if I wanted to, to change that.

So its not like gay people are gay by choice. In my opinion they're gay because they're gay and if you can't change anything about that, then what is the point of trying to prohibit gay relationships. I still respect people who have more conservative views on these issues, because they should be free to have those opinions. On the Rick Perry point, i personally admire Ron Paul's stance on the whole marriage issue (be it same sex or not). He believes the Government should not be controlling marriage anyway and let the different religions do their thing among their followers. I assume if two individuals don't want to get married within a religion they can simply sign a marriage contract.

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