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Theres no such thing as an accidental escape with crickets, they can get out of air tight reinforced bank vaults just to make you mad.
mum let 3 crix esape in my room and it was the infernal chirping that got them caught
They aren't cute when you accidentally let them escape and they keep you up with their infernal chirping

We put up with 3 months of chirping after about 4 crickets were ignored by the lizards, got under the lino in the tank, multiplied, then died after getting themselves stuck. *twitch*
Haha one of my most satisfying herp moments was catching one that had kept me awake all night and seeing my Pygmy beardie smash it
I have a rule in my house, if one escapes it is allowed to hang around and survive as long as it can. I don't mind the chirping.

haha i have the same rule =] even if i find it i put it outside. He earnt it
I'm definitely not one for stopping at "just no" and am also not patient enough to wait until i'm 18 and can move out. and i also believe compromise can be found in everything. I'm rather disappointed at what was put forward by jeannine and although this was her opinion, it was not consructive in any way and being that she didn't know the situation that the OP was in, or even have enough sense to realise which comments in this thread were serious or just jokes, half of her comments weren't even valid. My thoughts are, if your mum knows anyone who has snakes that is an adult, see if you can get them to talk, because, lets face it, adults are going to pay more attention to what another adult says, for the simple reason that they can level with them. i believe even jeannine wouldn't mind having her mind changed by someone who she considers her equall. as has already been pointed out, if you do have a conversation on this topic with your parents, point out the positives like, the low cost and the ease of care, as well as put forward ideas that your mum may appreciate, if they make things easier for her.any compromise is going to have conditions, as mine did when i disscussed it with my parents. and many people do find (namely my sister lol) that after consistent positive contact with snakes that they are beautiful creatures, and now my sister even points out snakes she thinks i should get because she likes them. It's not a forcing on of opinion, or bending of rules, just a change of perspective into appreciation. I say, keep it up, and if you show enough interest, your mum might see how getting a snake could benefit you.
Good luck
Ask your mum what the fear of spiders is called
Or the fear of heights
She will answer both very easily I think
Then ask her what the fear of snakes is called

When she admits that she has no idea, much like 99.999% of the population, gently ask her how she can be scared of something if she doesnt even know the name of that fear
I always use that question with people who are scared of snakes
It makes them think for a moment instead of reacting to irrational thoughts
Ask your mum what the fear of spiders is called
Or the fear of heights
She will answer both very easily I think
Then ask her what the fear of snakes is calleds

I asked my mum that. She didnt know what a fear of heights is called :lol: :lol: :lol:
so i pick mine up mid may...just talking about it and taking her to petshops and getting her involved has got her to come around!!
Ask your mum what the fear of spiders is called
Or the fear of heights
She will answer both very easily I think
Then ask her what the fear of snakes is called

When she admits that she has no idea, much like 99.999% of the population, gently ask her how she can be scared of something if she doesnt even know the name of that fear
I always use that question with people who are scared of snakes
It makes them think for a moment instead of reacting to irrational thoughts
We should compair notes, I have pinched before rip bandaids off...they never complain about ripping it off that way, too distracted by the pinch :p Reminds me of a movie, she does similar thing...but she flashes her naked body instead of a pinch, it had same effect :p lol
Well i am a mum who is constantly nagged for stuff.stuff that in 2 days i know will be forgotten and some thing else will take it's place.pets that i end up caring for or giving away,like g.pigs,rabbits,goldfish,and now a pup.he has a snake,but i look after it like everything else live he in defence of your poor mum,maybe she just doesn't need the extra thing on her plate.
When she eventually let's you get one, get a gravid female, wait a few months and ta dah! Instant collection.
I guess you could make sure you're looking after you're beardy, then the easiest way would be to make her see a python and possibly get her to handle one.
I guess you're still living at home? I would advise against getting too many pets until you are established in your own home because some rental properties now don't even allow FISH on the lease. I had 2 cats when living at home, then about 6 years later, after a few rentals, ended up having to give them to my father to look after until I could find another place that would allow them. By that time, he'd somehow gotten rid of them (said they ran away, but they took their vet records and registration papers too lol) and regret that time very much. We've been in this house 6 years now and have fish and a dog, deciding whether to get a snake or become a wildlife carer for reptiles, or both, and don't see that we would move any time in the next decade, we're well settled and not having to navigate the rental market anymore.
LoL, I just bring any animal that I buy home without telling anyone, that way they don't have a chance to say no. :lol:
I just bring them home set them up and that's it. ;)

I'm so happy that we don't have "no <insert any animal here>" practices in Slovenia! :D
My question to all of those saying to just bring one home- What happens if one day it escapes, he is not home and the mother comes across it. Out of a fear reaction she may kill and then what? 1 dead snake, money lost and once again he has no snake!
If he wants one that bad, man up, move out and get your own place! SORRY!
My question to all of those saying to just bring one home- What happens if one day it escapes, he is not home and the mother comes across it. Out of a fear reaction she may kill and then what? 1 dead snake, money lost and once again he has no snake!
If he wants one that bad, man up, move out and get your own place! SORRY!

If his mother hates snakes/reptiles she will kill it regardless. I know that my mom (when I was still at home) wouldn't kill any animal even if she didn't knew I own it. She would call me and ask me if it is mine, if it is/isn't (doesn't make any difference if animal is mine or "wild") she would put it in a plastic bin until I came home. Simple as that!
Some parents like that piss me off (not to offend anyone), they know nothing about animal in question, but they still think that corn snake will come at you at 3:36AM and suck your brains out, luckily mine are not in that group of ppl.

Either way, I just said what I did, not what OP should do. ;)
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