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olivehydra said:
spongebob said:
olivehydra said:
So is mine.

There is a rogues gallery which contains some, although I dont know how current it is

Who are you kidding you so called olivehydra! I know Zebedee when I see him. Your secret is out. No doubt you did away with Florence and Dougal and left old Dylan to take the blame. Well you can go off the bed yourself. Boing!!!!!! (I'm sorry to any one under the age of 45 who wont get the joke).

Here's a picture of me (I'm the one on the right). I'm a more comtempary cartoon character.

Nah it was all Ermitrude the cow, :wink:

So she was never actually chewing the cud then. It's all so clear now. Must tell Patrick
Hey Celticskull, .............Did you used to be in a pop group called "simply red" ?
ha ha haa thats ones new i used to get called criss cornell from sound garden befour he cut his hair or sgt dan from forest gump but never simply red
HAHAHA Ahhh redline that is such a crack up. I'm finding it hard to type right now due to the laughing.
You know I've just discovered there isn't a single picture of me in existence in which I'm not either pulling a stupid face, completely unaware the camera is there or being held in front of the camera forcibly....might just resort to posting pics of Bela Lugosi and try to pass them off as me :roll: 8)
I smell a bitch slapping (or snipering) coming on olive...DUCK!
i would hope that there isn't going to be any other world wars, but other then that, i would start by going to russia!! :)
Here is a pic of me , please excuse as i was having a bad hair day. I don't normally wear this many clothes either.............
spongebob said:
(I'm sorry to any one under the age of 45 who wont get the joke).
You have to be 45 to know what the magic roundabout is ?? that case im well ahead of my time !! :lol:
I don't get it
Isn't stevo usually a guys name?
Isn't it only guys who have wives?
yayo, ive got one of those davey crockett hats......i might be interested in selling it......what you got to offer ? ??
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