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:rolleyes: Oh dear... The rest of your rant might have held some credibility til you let this one slip...

Would hate to see a reptile display from someone without a PHD showing snake bite first aid :lol: or worse showing how to apply a band aid :rolleyes:
A professional reputation goes along way too, this is not a thread stating that I am struggling for business, this is a thread to focus on the fact that people scream about violations of parts of the wildlife acts, killing reptiles, and then turn a blind eye when it suits them so they can provide a demonstration without a permit.

If we were truly struggling I would be spending more time seeking business, currently I am spending my time trying to find suitable people to work for us......

BTW business plans work well when all people within the industry abide by the regulations, however when sections of the industry do not follow regulations that are designed to govern the industry then it does not matter how good your plan is, it will not work, this also includes false statements and advertising.
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A professional reputation goes along way too, this is not a thread stating that I am struggling for business, this is a thread to focus on the fact that people scream about violations of parts of the wildlife acts, killing reptiles, and then turn a blind eye when it suits them so they can provide a demonstration without a permit.

If we were truly struggling I would be spending more time seeking business, currently I am spending my time trying to find suitable people to work for us......

BTW business plans work well when all people within the industry abide by the regulations, however when sections of the industry do not follow regulations that are designed to govern the industry then it does not matter how good your plan is, it will not work, this also includes false statements and advertising.
I think the problem here is people are looking at this from a money making sense. Like he has said 500 times over, the odd kids show and tell is not the issue. From what I've deciphered, it's about DEMONSTRATIONS. You need to have the right quals, insurance, etc, etc, to run these demo's and why should some have to fork out and others not. If you don't hld a demo license, don't do demo's. Simple. Follow the protocol to take yor reps to show and tell for your kids. A few 5 min show and tells aren't gonna wreck business. I think this thread is about stopping UNQUALIFIED and UNINSURED demonstrators. Like has been said, why should some people have to pay for the privelage and others not.
I can see why people do it. It irks me that if you are a teacher you can't take you own pet to your own classroom (with the school's permission of course!). I think that is wrong.

A few weeks ago I had to take my 2 sick beardie hatchys to work (childcare) with me because I was syringe feeding them 3 times a day. We let the kids come up a couple at a time and quietly look at them through the box. They really really enjoyed it and we had the best discussions about habitats, comparing how they look with the centre's native population of EWDs and why they look different. The kids drew pictures and it was a really good day 'lizardy' day for them!

I get a lot of teachers asking me to come to their schools and centres with my pets (which include birds as well as herps. I hate having to say no (I feel so mean!) but I just don't think it is worth the risk of getting sued. That is the sad reality of the world we live in.

My biggest gripe with all this licensing is how much is costs!!! It costs a lot (to me anyway!) to get a demonstrator license and insurance. I know the business is out there. I have seriously looked into it, got quotes and everything, and I just can't afford to get myself set up. I know I would be good at it and I believe what I want to do is pretty unique (won't go into specifics just now) but the cost holds me back. It would allow me some control over my finances while I finish my teaching degree but what uni student can save up $1300+ dollars to start something?!
I would love to snakehandler but they probably get every teenager with a snake or beardie asking for a job. I have a pretty specific plan of what I want to do based on what teachers have told me schools most value.

No one wants to hire me for just 2 days a week. I only have 2 school days off each week but even if I only took 2 lessons each month for now that would be a huge relief for me.

I totally agree with all that you have said but at the same time, I don't think the high cost the government charges encourages people who might be really good at it.
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Pity your not down here, I am looking for people like you with that kind of enthusiasm....being a teacher myself I enjoy designing programs for each school I go to, or send staff to. We would love to have a person that is available 2 days a week during the week and possibly weekends too. If there was any such person down here I would love to meet them!

Permits and the work you have to go through in QLD make it very hard indeed....
Andie as a teacher I also had a demonstrators permit, as such I could take animals into the school, we had them in the classroom, but when it came to a full demonstration I left it to a close friend of mine who had the time to do the whole year level without disrupting classes, it also meant that I was not taking work from the people who do this type of work on a full time basis.

Now I am full time in it and love doing schools, I need part time teachers, or even teaching students who are willing to get their hands dirty and learn more about the animals that they will be working with as well as attending them. To find staff who can learn about reptiles, not only work with, but communicate well with children and get in and clean enclosures is a very difficult proposition......
I not keen on the idea of people taking reptiles for show and tell, cos alot of the time people do it just to brag...But other than that, i think people need to stop whinging. Things were a whole less uptight in the old days and most people grew up to be respectable people. Now everything is changing, everyone sues everyone for everything and look at the lovely people of todays society.
When I was younger I took my animals to school, on a few occasions. This helped grow my interest and passion and give me the skills I needed to do what I do well now. Before snake handler was snake handler he was a high school teacher and took animals in to school without any permits, I remember you telling me this on a trip years ago. I agree with you that someone who keeps reptiles should be responsible and not take 5-10 animals in for a one hour session but when you take a snake or two to show your childs class or the child takes their pet to school I see that as an important part of education in that Childs future (and the class) reptile knowledge and experience. You have a valid point but it’s not something to be getting frustrated about.:D
Actually Mike, get it right...I had permits with the former owner of the business....I was his licensed assistant...I took the animals to school with his permission. Until that stage another teacher at the school would bring in her pythons.
I have to agree on principal with snakehandler, hes completely licenced trained and insured to do public displays of austrlian wildlife and it's his job. I doubt it's a money thing as his business seems to be doing quite well. However all it takes is some kid to get bit by a python or even a lizard and people start thinking wildlife demonstrations are unsafe. Also I assume snakehandler ensures all the people, especially children that attend his demonstrations are thuroughly informed not to go near snakes in the wild as they could be venomous. What happens if a kid who sees a snake demonstration and and the next day goes and picks up a tiger snake by mistake?

Though I might be a bit biased as I'm a licenced snake catcher and the idea of people disregarding the regulations that I follow annoys me.


Now I am full time in it and love doing schools, I need part time teachers, or even teaching students who are willing to get their hands dirty and learn more about the animals that they will be working with as well as attending them. To find staff who can learn about reptiles, not only work with, but communicate well with children and get in and clean enclosures is a very difficult proposition......

quite simply look at your pay rate rase the pay scale to a liveable wage and you might rase the interst of more applicable people ive inquired with other company's and been told the pay scale and id be better off working with people half my age at mcdonalds. i was a butcher for over 11 years so people skills and up to scratch and as far as knolage goes ive kept over 30 different species of reptiles.
reptiles in school

every year i take a selection of reptiles to schools etc for free in queensland you can do this but first you need a letter of invitation from the school specifiying what date and what species and then parks will give you a letter of permission specifying what animals and location and date
Pay is not the issue, it is sorting the resumes out that we receive. The rate of pay we offer is above the award wage for this position..... my personal rate of pay is identical to my staff....I am able to pay a mortgage and keep food on the table...
Pay is not the issue, it is sorting the resumes out that we receive. The rate of pay we offer is above the award wage for this position..... my personal rate of pay is identical to my staff....I am able to pay a mortgage and keep food on the table...

simply not true just smoke and mirrors. you may pay yourself an hourly rate from the biz but anythin left over after all expences are payed simply dissapears?

not to say you dont deserve it after all you hae started a very profitable company and deserve the bennifits....

do you truly belive your staff working a standard week (40-45 hrs) could afford to buy into the houseing market? and still live well?
Actually that would be corporate theft, we are an incorporated company. Profit goes back to the business to expand it and develop new projects. Wages are not mentioned in the job description, this is only discussed at interview stage, it is more along the lines that we are particular about who we employ....we have standards!
Hold you horses guys, I only put it up for bit of a temporary fun, not a character assassination. Please lets get back to the thread.
I promised myself to be good a boy and stay out of trouble on these forums ... then again, there is nothing controversial in posting this high quality photograph that featured in a magazine.
Oh, those menacing venomoids give me the shivers!
Not sure why this last post of mine was left there. May as well hack it too because it doesn't make sense without the previous posts.

codered is right, if it weren't for lawyers then this would not be happening, come on people, are we suing each other for seeing something that rattles us.. *** is happening with society..

every1 is lookin 4 the easy way out, well sorry i dont feel for ppl like that.

lawyers are the cause for all these problems.

stinkin turds.
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