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I had just learnt to ride a motorbike so on my kwaka i rode thinking i was something cool and my kiddies who were young at the time watching thier talented mummy doing jumps and even a perfect table jump where you turn the bike to the side in the air perfect land only to my disgust my hubby wasnt watching so i yelled for him to watch this ............i did it again only this time i got over confident couldnt pull the bike up in time and WHAM!! bike came crashing down me underneath landed in a big pile of thistles spikes were sticking into my skin and my worse injury was the foot peg it had embedded into my leg , the hole was about 10cm deep and looked like the map of tassie went to the hospital and they could only put a stitch in the corners of the wound to stop it from tearing further as there wasnt any meat to stitch up in the hole i had to fill the wound with betedine for like 3 months untill it healed from the inside out i have lost feeling in my leg due to nerve damage and have not been back on a bike since ...:) want sympathy?...
when you didnt tell us you enjoyed the visit soooooo much! kiddn mate!
so..the real story is.....hmm..another time ....another teeth are clinched thinking aboutthat one...ouch!

thanks for sharing!
Heres a really dumb one, but it was funny to watch.

Ever tried to 'peel' a golfball? Well i did once, the cover peice comes off pretty easy and then the guts of the ball had thousands of rubber bands twisted together to make the inside of the ball. Well, while opening the cover bit i snapped a rubber band thingy and the ball QUICKLY unravelled and was firing stuff everywhere in my hand, the rubber bits got really long as they were unravelling and hit me in the face like a whipper-snipper, i dropped it and it went whirring accross the ground firing bits everywhere. Funny, funny, funny, I had little red marks all over my face. Hahahahaha
thankyou...yes..that was funny

stupid things we do

i was carrying a bucket of car oil...we just bled the brakes...
& somehow i managed to trip up..bucket went up..& up...
then came down...felt like slow motion....
all over me...had to look soo funny...i sat there.on the
i was carrying a bucket of car oil...we just bled the brakes...
& somehow i managed to trip up..bucket went up..& up...
then came down...felt like slow motion....
all over me...had to look soo funny...i sat there.on the

Did you do a belly slide up the hallway while you were all greasy???
I would have, haha
Yeah , i had talked up how i was going to build a redgum sleepered vege patch in the back yard. Finally got the sleepers delivered and started laying out and star picketing in place. I tried to level one by hiting with the mash hammer but forgot to move my thumb, Bugger of to the emergency ward again, man that hurt and swelled up massively.

Another one, first training session at a new club as a paid player (cricket) we were doing feilding drills and i went right up close to the bat trying to cut off a catch but wore the ball right on the end of the nose and knocked myself out. What a gimp.....
hmm..ok give in...yep i laughed!


ok... this happened to my bro-in-law

he was 18 yrs old...& my mum-in-law isnt too great or quick or her feet
he'd been arguing with his father & told him to
my mum-in-law had been cooking a roast...& hates disrespect...
what she had in her hand...was the roasting fork...she said.." apologise to you father or else!"
my bro-in-law said..." F...of.... or what"...
well what was ....she threw the roasting pierced his ear...he ran out the back laughing
but ran straight into the frozen chook that was hanging on the line...defrosting!
he knocked him self out....lololololol:lol:
woke up to the frozen chook on his chest & a hell of ahead ache!:lol::lol::p;)
My friends and I were little pyromaniacs when we were younger (still are, I think). One of my friend's lived in the garage so the floor was concrete. We'd been burning things on the floor for a bit when we found a bottle of booze, it was one of those orange peel jobs that tastes like acidic puke so we didn't decide to drink it. Instead we poured it around the floor (quite a bit) and then lit it up. What we didn't count on was the cloud of fumes rising from the pool of rather potent alcohol, which had accumated while we were getting ready to light it. Needless to say the entire room lit up like an orange mushroom cloud. Nothing got set on fire or anything but we were temporarily blinded. Not that it stopped us or anything.
I knew a guy who was an utter ratbag who blew up his garage and set the house on fire with some sort of chemical concotion and a chlorine bomb. Another guy i went to school with did a chlorine bomb in a drain and he didnt get out quick enough and Half his face melted, poor bugger.
ok nothing hurtful in this one... maybe my ego a little... just sumthing funny that happened not to long ago. I was in the dominos delivery car (good old dominos) and the place i was delivering to was up a hill and off on a dirt track... the road was only just wider than the car with about half a meter to each side... on the right a 2meter decline into a fence... on the left an even steeper decline into bush... well i pulled into the driveway and gave the guy the pizzas, got in the car and started reversing only to realise i didn't know how i was going to turn around. His place was at the end of the road so still to my left and right i had the decline... I decided i would try and reverse down the 40m dirt road (stupid idea as all 3 of my accidents so far have happened while i was reversing!!!).... well i got about 3 meters then i realised i wasn't going straight and my left tyre went over the edge, so i quickly went forwards but over turned to the right and the front right tyre went over the right edge... i went to reverse again but being a dirt road the tyres didn't grip and the car began to decline... towards the fence... with as much force as i had i put on the brakes and hand break and i managed to stop about 5cms before the fence only to realise i was stuck with my nose towards a fence, my *** poking up the hill... the only way out was to go back and forward trying to turn so i could again reverse along the bottom of the hill back to the guys driveway 0.o sounds easy... not! being in an automatic for the second time and freaking out i began going back and forward grinding into drive and reverse as i thought they were in gear but weren't...(only moving about 10cms each way as the car wouldnt reverse any higher and there was the fence infront of me) finally after about 5 minutes a friendly face of the guy i had just delivered pizzas was at my side window... i was freaking out that much he had to get in the car and get it out... took a further 10 minutes but he managed and without hitting the fence and as said a bit of a bruised ego and i've never delivered since!
Well when i was about 8 maybe younger myself and a friend got the brilliant idea to build a swing in a tree using a old 13mm steel cable about 5meters long with a quite sharp 300mm long piece of 30mm aluminium tubing as the handle. So anyway we fixed the steel cable to a branch quite high up in this tree that was growing on the top of a quite steep embankment then my friend tried it out and jumped off, then the handle came back swinging through the air and just skun the top of my head resulting in heaps of blood (my hands and hair were drenched in it) and a trip to casualty:lol::rolleyes:

There is also alot of other things involving fire :lol:
My friends and I were little pyromaniacs when we were younger (still are, I think). One of my friend's lived in the garage so the floor was concrete. We'd been burning things on the floor for a bit when we found a bottle of booze, it was one of those orange peel jobs that tastes like acidic puke so we didn't decide to drink it. Instead we poured it around the floor (quite a bit) and then lit it up. What we didn't count on was the cloud of fumes rising from the pool of rather potent alcohol, which had accumated while we were getting ready to light it. Needless to say the entire room lit up like an orange mushroom cloud. Nothing got set on fire or anything but we were temporarily blinded. Not that it stopped us or anything.
lol reminds me of something an old friend did back when we were 11 or 12 he did something similar with about 3 liters of petrol inside a shed containing his dads pretty much brand new yamaha banshee and a heap of other stuff. So anyway he poured it out on the floor and lit it flames were huge so he turns on the air compressor and attempts to extinguish it with compressed air which just made the situation worse and spread the fire everywhere it got within a meter of the banshee before he put it out with some dirt :lol:
sooooooo many i cant put up...little eyes are precious things! lol

funny & simple...
i was 12...made my first ever coffee for visitors..that came to my sisters birthday
put coffee in..sugar or milk if needed
distributed my coffee cups proudly

didn't realize i used gravy instead!...the spoons stood up dead centre in the middle of the cup...
Ma wasn't pleased but recipients were amused!
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