Win a date with Recharge... One of the worlds most eligible bachelors!

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A couple of excellent entries in round one... But a little while before round one closes... gaara - I know you just wanna answer the questions anyway and there's a fair chance with your intellect you could win this one... Not on looks tho unfortunately - but that's why this is so not shallow!
An make sure you get a female recharge,there the ones with long hair an frilly knickers,or used to be :)

I went on a hens night last night zulu and i don't believe that that is the case anymore, the women that were there last night could've gotten away with wearing Y fronts.


I'm dying to know how this thread came about..?

RSVP no good? lol

Thats where my current one came from DameJacquie and it brought me the best damn Valentines Day ever. If he lasts more than 2 months then i'll recommend it to Recharge.


Oh recharge baby if only i wasn't a bouncing cartoon!
1. Where would you prefer to go on your first date with Recharge:
e) I would take Recharge to a bakery where we would learn to make donuts - This would give Recharge ample opportunity to learn what face to pull later that night if he played his cards right.

2. Were you born of human species and of female sex?
a) I am human, I think

3. Do you eat meat on your first date?
a) Always - I'm not fussy, wether Im presented with a fat kransky or a humble cocktail weenie.

4. How does giant squid taste?
a) I've heard when people ask "what does chicken taste like?" the response they are given is "tastes like squid"

5. If you were to take an IQ test right now would you:
d) Not be taking this quiz

6. Do you consider yourself staid or fun? Outgoing or introverted? Mature or immature? I find questions like these to be shallow, vain and superficial. It's always better to get someone else to answer this for you. In which case, APS, I applaud you, answer this question for me.

7. If you had the choice of getting a diamond necklace or a weekend away together from your
partner, which would you choose?

Well, why can't I have the best of both worlds? Why can't I get the necklace and a holiday to pearl harbour? Or cut out the middle man and just take a pearl necklace?
Well recharge it's getting tough to make these decisions... There's going to be some interesting round two 'goers' I would think... and others still interested, round one is still a go go!

The only regrets you'll ever have is not entering into this competition!
Question 8:

Answer the following to the best of your knowledge;

Are you:
a) Black like Barry White
b) White like Jack Black
c) Black and white like Michael Jackson
1. Where would you prefer to go on your first date with Recharge:
d) The Sushi Train because it's so easy to choose what you want!

2. Were you born of human species and of female sex?
b) No - I am just a bouncey cartoon! so it would only ever be an interenet relationship :(

3. Do you eat meat on your first date?
a) Yes virtual hotdogs

4. How does giant squid taste?
It ate my i didn't taste it!

5. If you were to take an IQ test right now would you:
d) um.....whats IQ? is it like ICQ?

6. Do you consider yourself staid or fun? Outgoing or introverted? Mature or immature? Crazy
or sane?
Um....all the above :D just look at the avatar :D

7. If you had the choice of getting a diamond necklace or a weekend away together from your
partner, which would you choose?
Definatly the weekend away :D from him or with him ;)

8.Are you:
b) White like Jack Black
4 fine entries that may all be picked to pass into round 2... later this week :p

When do you tell us!
Does the date come with airfare?
I wish i was black like Barry White... that man mmmmm:lol:. Anyway good luck Recharge and Slim6y and all you 'potentials'!
Question 8:

Answer the following to the best of your knowledge;

Are you:
a) Black like Barry White
b) White like Jack Black
c) Black and white like Michael Jackson

None I'm kinda like Han Solo always stroking my own Wookie
I'm the root of all thats evil but you can call me Cookie,
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