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Very Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2003
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Hi Peoples,

Just thought i'd let you know i tried the devils idea of feeding my pythons chicken necks and drumsticks and was very very pleased with the results.My BHP's went nuts on them and after a couple of necks which for an adult bhp isn't a big feed i tried a couple of drumsticks instead with the skin taken off and they both just loved em and wanted more.I also thought i wonder if anything else will take the necks so i tried them with quite a few jungles and out of every jungle i tried only 2 knocked the necks back and my adult black and white took 3 necks one after another which still wasn't a big enough feed for me so i offered a drumstick and her usually being a very fussy finicky feeder on rats was on the prowl as soon as she smelt the chicken and also took the drumstick and scoffed it down with ease and looked to thoroughly enjoy it!!!

I'll definitely be buying a kilo of necks and drumsticks again every week from now and and feed what i can rodents 1 week and chicken the next which cuts down on the cost of your food bill tremendously and i'm really really happy that so many of my animals loved the chicken when some were fussy on anything!!!

Just thought i'd share the experience and definitely recommend it to anyone else who hasn't tried them before!!

And you know the first place to look if any of your snakes ever escape- the chook pen! It's going to be a massacre! :D
We haven't tried the drumsticks but we have tried a number of our snakes (both pythons and elapids) on chicken necks with success.

To those who haven't already, it's definately worth a try :D

re Chicken

Works hey browns,been feeding drumsticks and necks off for years,havent done so lately as it gets like a chore sitting down and peeling all the fat of the drumsticks and drying them out. :)
Good one a way it's funny to watch the snakes hammer the chicken d/sticks, it just makes a good and cheap feed.
One of my bhp's would rather eat d/sticks than rats.

Interesting that your fussy B&W really went for the necks in a big way.
Interesting. I tried necks with a tiger snake and spotted black snake a week ago, and neither showed any interest. I warmed them to room temp? I will be trying them again with a bit of rodent hair sprinkled over them?
re Chicken

Necks and drumsticks are at least better for bhps than useing the day old chicks the yolks in the chicks makes for stinking running poo.Drumsticks are good for large adult BHPs with a few rats for variety if you have a shortage of panoptes running around in you backyard. :)
I feed all mine necks once a month. coastals, bredli, jungles, diamonds, maccies and they all love them. I got the idea from the devil as well and am very happy with the results.
Drumsticks have quite a large bone - I'm just wondering how big a snake needs to be to be able to feed them drummies? (I have a 2yr old BHP and wouldn't mind trying them)
hmm so you just get raw chicken neck? does it have much meat on it? might get my babies eating there rats for a month or so then give them a try....
One of the reasons for feeding whole rodents to pythons is that it is a complete and balanced meal.

I would not underestimate the value of the gut content when you are feeding whole animals. If you feed just bone and muscle protein (and some fat too I suspect, despite removing skins) this could be deleterious to the long term health of the animal.
i tried chicken with my 2 darwins and neither took any interest at all. so i rubbed a rat all over them and still nothing. i'm going to stick with the rodents.
i am with herp on that one i have always been told for a good healthy diet the snake needs the whole animal from its fur to it blood and all inbetween ...........chicken necks and drumsticks may seem ok but you know living on maccas u can survive but you wont be totally healthy long as you alternate your feeding it probably is ok i suppose for you guys that live in the subs and cant own your own chooks and area big enuff to breed your own rodents its a cheaper alternative.....
As already mentioned great for a treat, no nutritional value in them.

I normally feed my Stimson's Chicken Breasts if i'm having some for dinner myself.
I might have to give this a go with my Diamond. He became a really fussy eater after winter last year, refusing rats whereas he used to love them before. Now a days he'll only eat a large mouse every month or so... think I might call past the pet food shop on the way home!
I've toyed with the idea about making snake sausages using the ground up carcasses of chickens. I approached the local butcher and asked if he could do it and he said no because sausages are not allowed to contain 100% animal product :shock: Evidently they have to contain a certain amount of fat and "other substances" to be defined as sausages. I thought snake sausages using chicken would be a nice treat for some of the snakes.
I've toyed with the idea about making snake sausages using the ground up carcasses of chickens. I approached the local butcher and asked if he could do it and he said no because sausages are not allowed to contain 100% animal product :shock: Evidently they have to contain a certain amount of fat and "other substances" to be defined as sausages. I thought snake sausages using chicken would be a nice treat for some of the snakes.
yep one of my dad's mates who's a butcher got fined for having too much meat in his sausages :shock: ***
Roos good too!

If someone could convince the State and National Governments and the roo shooters, Joeys from the shot female roos still in the pouch, up to 2 Kilos, would be joy! Guts and all! Just got to get over that cute factor too. I find that last one too hard to get over everytime. Next time I tell myself.......
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