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Nice looking snake Pete, kept outdoors and not overfed sounds like she may live for many many years to come. I was much like you in that i kept reptiles for years without any knowledge of prices and breeders til i got the internet on.
It's a shame that ppl with some experience still call a hybrid an intergrade, and shows that it would be very hard to find any pure intergrades on the market.
Steve, it's illegal to cross snakes in Queensland.
Parko's right, it's very hard to find a true 'intergarde' Pythons, most are just Hybrids being dishonestly sold, The Port Maquarie Pythons(Diamond 'intergarde' Python) are found around places like Port Macuarie, Coffs Habour and Port Kempsey(ps) on the North Coast of NSW
This is the aviary that I keep her (and now her friend) in. It has a terrible south west aspect but that turnd out to be OK following the DPS thread. It gives her plenty of room and I build it up to give good drainage in the aviary.
I bet your visitors would get a shock when they go for a look, expecting to see some birds :lol:

Very nice mate. I would like to get an olive while I'm in the NT and was thinking of a similar set up.
Yeah Bakes, that would be perfect in the NT. But no-one gets a surprise here. Just as they wouldn't at your place I am sure. People know I am a weirdo herper. But the funny thing is, all my mates are also into reptiles so everyone loves it.

also, look next to the cage, you can see a pool fence. Both have been there for 6 years. I finalkly decided to get the pool approved by council (And I am a councillor). Guess what, Aviary has to go. Too close to pool fence Harry. so now I have a new python aviary being constructed and this e one will be move to house my little lace monitor when he/she grows a little.
Just as they wouldn't at your place I am sure

Don't be so sure on that :lol: My work mates shake their heads at me. Still with the help of Yommy we have converted most of them from thinking every snake is bad to now telling us what they saw whilst on shift 8)
Steve, it's illegal to cross snakes in Queensland.

hi dicco,
lol, i think most of us know that, but you tell me
how do you avoid doing it, i know for certain that i've bought
a few different coastals and they are now believed to be
crosses, some with darwin and some with jungles,
and if you check out the different herp selling
places like herp trader you will find crosses advertised
there all the time, just last night i saw murry's / coastals for sale,
on rdu, i also saw darwin/prossy coastals for sale on herp trader,
for interests sake, if you bred a intergrade to a coastal, how is
that cross breeding when an intergrade is a
diamond/coastal cross, i know that my intergrade is on my
licence as a coastal, so shouldn't i be able to bred my intergrade/coastal
with another coastal,
it gets very confusing the more you look into it,

but thats just my opinion and i'm sure somebody will tell me that i'm
it's just like all those jungles that are around that are crossed
with diamonds , they stand out like a dogs hind legs, but the
owners still breed them to pure jungles,

ps. i now sit back with my popcorn and wait ...........
Peter, just a couple of things,- If you have been feeding her wild prey she WILL be caring internal parasites, and you should flagyl and worm her, 9 years old is still very young for a python they should live for 20-30 or more years.(if treated right). Looking at the pic I do belive she has some carpet in her.
One more thing that seems weird, shes your oldest herp at nine years old but then you say youve been keeping herps for 20 years, dont mean any offence at all but, hell Im easily confused at the best of times.????
An TRUE 'intergarde' is NOT a coastal diamond cross! A Diamond Coastal cross is a hybrid whether is happens in the bush or a box, the definition of hybrid has nothing to do with wheather it's naturally occuring or not, and the definition of intergrade(the word intergrade, not the Diamond 'intergrade') is to gradually come together or gradually change
Hi TrueBlue. I joined the Army in 1985 at which time I had two carpet pythons, I gave them to a mate to look after and they both escaped. whilst at duntroon I managed to keep a diamond python for about two months and got told to get rid of it. I then had no reptiles for a few years until coming home from K89 I picked up a shingleback and had it for about 5 years when we gave him to an exhibitor. I buiilt a pit at my previous house and had water dragons up to about 1992. But they started disappearing and I foudn out it was the local cat. That is why my new enclosure has a full aviary roof.

Mate, I have also had pet dogs since I was a kid but my oldest one now is still only 2. Doesn't necessarily mean that I have only been keeping dogs for 2 years.

Oh, and thanks for the worming tip. Do I just stick the tablet in a rat? And is the dosage the same as for a dog the same weight? Or do I just take her to my vet?

Thanks in advance.
A True 'intergarde' is Not a coastal diamond cross! A Diamond Coastal cross is a hybrid whether is happens in the bush or a box, the definition of hybrid has nothing to do with wheather it's naturally occuring or not, and the definition of intergrade(the word intergrade, not the Diamond 'intergrade') is to gradually come together or gradually change from one thing to another, a natural hybrid does not fit this description.

The True Diamond intergrades are mearly a different colour varient, they aren't a population of natural hybrids.
Peter, you will need to use praziquantel for tape worm,(cestodes), and fenbendazole or oxfendazole for nematodes. There is a soluble bird wormer out that contains both called wormout gel, available at the vet.
Dose at 1ml per kg. inject in to small prey item and feed only that item, repeat in 2 weeks, and again in 2 weeks to sure to be sure to be sure. These drugs are very safe and will not harm your animal.
You will also need to flagyl her to rid her of bacterial parasites, flagyl dose is once again 1ml per kg, but will only need to be done once. Liquid flagyl is better to use as dosage can be more accuratly measured than in tablets.
Thanks. Great info. How about de-miting if they are outside? TOD is great inside for spraying an enclosure but wht do you do outside?
hi dicco,
i think i agree with some of what i think your saying, lol, still a bit confused,
tell me if i've got this right,

your saying a true intergrade isn't a cross, ( i agree 100% )

your saying that the diamond/coastal intergrade that is found in the wild isn't a intergrade but still a cross or hybrid, (i 100% disagree),

i do have a natural intergrade,

are you telling me that it's still a cross, if thats the case, then why can't i breed my coastal male with my female intergrade, this would make them more pure coastal then the female intergrade

please remember that this is only what i think you are saying, let me know if i'm right in what i think you are saying,

your saying that the diamond/coastal intergrade that is found in the wild isn't a intergrade but still a cross or hybrid, (i 100% disagree),
No no, the Diamond 'intergrade' is not a Diamond/Coastal cross, it's just a colour varient that was called intergrade because of it's appearence.

If a pure Diamond bred in the wild with a pure Coastal, it would be a hybrid, not an 'intergrade'.

You can breed what ever you like together, but if the 'intergrade' you own is a ture 'intergrade', you will be creating a Hybrid by breeding it with your Coastal, but if your 'intergrade' is in actual fact just a cross(Coastal/Diamond), then crossing it with a Coastal would give it more Coastal genes than Diamond, but it would still be a hybrid.

I do not condone the crossing of anything though, for a few reasons(lets please not start that debate up again for a while, I've already had an exotic debate and a Dingo & Hunting debate on two sites in the last couple of days, I need time to re-couperate ;) )

If I am confusing you please say so, sometimes it can be confusing and hard to understand, but usually we get there in the end :)
I got no idea about intergrades or cross' or whatever :?
But she is very pretty :wink:
Lol Sorry Dicco i may have got you dragged into an age old debate that is really very simple.

If we get rid of the word intergrade and just say Port macquarie python it explains everything. Crossing a carpet with a diamond doesn't make it a Port Macquarie python, just makes something which looks simillar but not identical and is genetically different to the morelia found in and around port macquarie. So simple what's the problem hell arrrrgh god damn it know what i mean dont try expand just keep it simple stupid sorry i'm losing the plot and getting too big for my boots now i'm gonna run thru the paddock naked screaming I'M FREE! I'M FREE! DON'T TRY TAME ME AND MAKE ME FEEL SHAME CAUSE I AM ONE WITH THE PADDOCK ONE I SAY ONE!! LOOK A SHEEP! COME HERE FLUFFY ONE COME HERE DAMN YOU ARE A FAST LITTLE ONE AINT YA?
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