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WOW im sorry to hear this is not something i thought i would be reading about at 12am sunday haha.
im just about to get a few new reps can someone please PM me so i can stay away from them
the replacement animal had worms? This "so called" Big Time Reptile Shop is a sham in my opinion.
I've heard heaps of simialar stories about this bloke and nothing has ever been good..
I wouldn't have his "third" rate garbage for free to be honest.

I guess you wont be buying any more animals from any shop from now on.. which is a step in the right direction (imo)
Don't be surprised if the response you get isn't exactly positive....IF you ever get one. The slime bucket in question doesn't exactly have a history of responding favourably on the rare occasion he bothers to respond. He's even been known to just hang up and refuse to talk to people who've bought diseased animals from him again. Quality, reliability AND maturity....all in one neat little vessel.

Interesting though....I always thought that from a legal point of view retailers were supposed to refund for a faulty purchase if the buyer requests it.

It would be nice to see someone finally take him to court and expose him for the shonky dealer he is, since unfortunately despite the overwhelming amount of people he's ripped off he's still managed to maintain an positive reputation over all. My partner never heard a bad word about the guy until after his bad experience....and he did some asking around before he bought from him.

As far as him moving to QLD is concerned - I'd be surprised if he did it. He couldn't have a business anywhere near the scale of the one he has now here. On a commercial licence the only snakes you can sell here are Antaresia. And apparently there's not many lizards to choose from either.
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He might think you aren't serious about taking it any further thats why he's not bothering to reply to you....
keep us updated.
as well as your pursuing your legal avenues you have mentioned, check out ISO9001 which is the international standard for quality.
Australia is a member of the International Standards Organisation and any business that trades in Australia is required to meet this standard. It applies to everything from a simple barber shop right through to a nuclear reactor.
I'm sure you could fit a pet shop in between there somewhere.
food for thought.
My experience cost me $600. I really couldn't be bothered chasing it as I doubted that anything would come of it. The death of an animal after you have received it is probably hard to pursue. Anyway if word of mouth is the best advertising it's all negative from me. I can remember too that when I went to pick up the snake from the airport I was amazed at how it had been packaged. It was in a calico bag in a plastic lunch box, no paper to stop her from banging around in the container. I was suprised that AAE allowed it through.
I also got some snakes there. Pairs of black heads, turned out to be all males. Pythons that took food once then never touched food again till they died. And I can get anything to eat. I thought it was just me???
Cordylus you are another unfortunate victim.

I just got of the phone to DSE so the seller has been reported. We will wait and see what happens now.

A Current Affair or Today Tonight is sounding like a good idea but that would only happen is a group of us all contacted them.

I would be happy to expose this seller via TV. It would ensure he cleans up his act and would warn potential customers of the risk.
I was going to say if a bunch of you got together and took action it might make him wake up. God knows there's enough of you!
lol, Today Tonight, they will report anything, i mean they had specials with the underbelly wives touring 'hotspots'.
If enough people who have been stung by this guy contact them, they will be hot on the heels of a scale scandal ;)

I can see Anna Coren trying to look interested, angry and sympathetic all at once already :lol:
A class action could be a good way to go considering the number of people that have had such horrible things happen to them.
It sounds like a lot of you have been burned by this seller, it would be a good idea for you all to get an action against him as these kind of numbers can not be ignored!!
lol, Today Tonight, they will report anything, i mean they had specials with the underbelly wives touring 'hotspots'.
If enough people who have been stung by this guy contact them, they will be hot on the heels of a scale scandal ;)

I can see Anna Coren trying to look interested, angry and sympathetic all at once already :lol:

Ahhhhh but its Matthew White now ;)
Its disgraceful that these problems of animals dying from this place seem "the norm" rather than the exception.

Think about this scenario:
If someone had a sick reptile and wanted to "shift it" before it died (with little or no comeback to them) where do you think they would try and sell it?

probably to a pet shop / licenced dealer.. So the risk (in my opinion) goes up a couple of hundred percent of getting an animal that may have OPMV and infect their whole collection.
Ahhhhh but its Matthew White now ;)

Same story, different presenter :p
Either way, i still think that TV is the best medium to expose this seller.
It will be seen in most states and not just your local paper, which pails in comparison to the people that a 'scales scandal report' can reach on the TV. ;)
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