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But the faulty item was accepted as replacement, it is also up to the purchaser to prove it was faulty on reciept and there is normally only a 7 day window before even a obviously faulty item can be returned for replacement.
I know it not right, but that doesn't matter, it has to be illegal. The illegal aspect as i see it animal neglect and cruelty which is better handled by governing bodies not pissed off purchasers.
But the faulty item was accepted as replacement, it is also up to the purchaser to prove it was faulty on reciept and there is normally only a 7 day window before even a obviously faulty item can be returned for replacement.
I know it not right, but that doesn't matter, it has to be illegal. The illegal aspect as i see it animal neglect and cruelty which is better handled by governing bodies not pissed off purchasers.

sounds like you know how to rout the system? - horserule did the righ thing in taking the new snake to the vet and getting it tested and proving it too has worms, since he has not responded horserule cant get it back to him or sort it out so once again he is to blame.
I see you point but there are always ways to get him - especially since he seems to do it to alot of people, it will catch up with him.
Ahhh, go the brains trust.... spose your lucky that this is all said in a private place, where the person in question cannot read all this at their own will, and have time while you all prop and pose about the situation, to go about sorting out their house before the authorities get involved.... genious !
my advice would be to speak with DSE & the RSPCA and then contact Consumer Affairs and VCAT and find out where you stand before you start lodging applications with the Magistrates Courts - Also contact a legal service in your local area for advice - Be professional and do not get caught up in the moment folk...

VCAT are usually more successful in this area and if, you don't get the result you want then take it a step further..
Ahhh, go the brains trust.... spose your lucky that this is all said in a private place, where the person in question cannot read all this at their own will, and have time while you all prop and pose about the situation go about sorting out their house before the authorities get involved.... genious !

so he is a member? - well then he will see how much people dislike his methods and should realise that word of mouth is a powerful thing - I for one have told many of my friends not to purchase from this seller. maybe he will notice when his sales dry up or he finally gets cought.
I notice he is not brave enough to defend him self?

But your point is very valid - but its done now.:D
Just for curiosity how often would parks and wildlife go and visit not petshops persay but shops mainly for reptiles? is it a once a year thing and do they test stock for things like worms? thanks
I have worked in several areas where legal knowledge is helpful, and having recently just started up a new retail business i have researched the basic requirements, no so much on how to rout the system as i see myself as honest and hopefully not getting myself in to a situation as the seller in this case.
It is the RSPCA and DSE's job to ensure this guy is doing the right thing i feel it would better for them to address the situation rather than individuals with limited understand of trade law and the numerous laws regarding wildlife.
a simple phrase or something stupid said in the heat of the moment can ruin a case and i don't feel the case is all that strong to start with.
never said they were a member.... though why would they defend themselves.... if they had seen it, bringing it here to slug it out wouldnt be worth their time, more likely taking the matter to their solicitor about a defamation suit. Nice of you to put it into text Bundy, that you have been passing the info around, would be good evidence in any defamation case they were building.
Ok, based on all this, for future reference would it be reasonable to ask a seller if you could have a snake vet checked (at your own expense) b4 purchase? Like they sometimes do with horses. Then if anything is found to be wrong you don't go through with the purchase. Is this something that sellers would agree to or not?
never said they were a member.... though why would they defend themselves.... if they had seen it, bringing it here to slug it out wouldnt be worth their time, more likely taking the matter to their solicitor about a defamation suit. Nice of you to put it into text Bundy, that you have been passing the info around, would be good evidence in any defamation case they were building.

hahah yeah like he would risk that when there are heaps of prople that would vouch that he sells sick or soon to be verry sick snakes.
Look up defamation - its only that if its not true hahah :rolleyes:
plus I can freely tell people I know that I have heard bad reports of the seller thats not a lie cause I have heard heaps haha
Ok, based on all this, for future reference would it be reasonable to ask a seller if you could have a snake vet checked (at your own expense) b4 purchase? Like they sometimes do with horses. Then if anything is found to be wrong you don't go through with the purchase. Is this something that sellers would agree to or not?

maybe thats the way this hobby is heading - that every snake will be sold with a vet check? who knows, after reading this I would want one.
Let's not get into a slanging match against each other or this thread will be closed and we need to know what happens! Chill people. :)
I don't think labelling all sellers as bad and poor operators is the way to go, but if you feel more comfortable in getting a vets opion in the health of animal than most suppliers i think would be happy for you to pay to have the animal checked, if there is a problem it would also give the breeder/seller time to rectify it early.
The fact the the seller in question has no right of reply, gives us all only one side of the story, the side of a few annoyed customers who bought unhealthy animals. Does any body know if the seller is taking action to improve the health of his stock?
Thats the thing Bundy, I seriously want to know from the sellers on here if that is a valid request b4 I make any future purcahses. I wouldn't want to offend but then why should I hand over hundreds of dollars with no guarantees.
Even if every member on this forum, from this day on never purchased from the seller
it wouldn't put them out of business, shonky sellers aren't after repeat customers just
sting you for all your worth straight up, then sting the next new comer and so forth.
I recall a rather infamous Nrth Qlder that never seemed short on customers even with
endless dodgey dealings, mites, mis sexed animals, half dead animals, grossly
misrepresented animals..
animals. etc etc... theres a new customer born every minute.
No I'm not labelling all sellers as bad or poor operators, definately not. My choice of words may not have been clear.
But if this were something that was common practice it might avoid things getting as far as this thread has. It will be something that is only kept between seller and buyer and chances are 99.9% of the time everything would be fine anyway.
Im not in a slanging match, just posting some honest truths. If the person in question has read this thread, if they had any common sense, they would by now have given every animal in stock a worming treatment, if the authorities dont swing into action soon (not likely) then most of the parasite load will have already been passed, if not even given enough time for a secondary dose to be given, to clear out any eggs yet to hatch and breaking the cycle. Then see what legs you have to stand on, it wouldnt be unthinkable that a small percentage of animals in large collections have some form of parasite load, and if that avenue of arguement is believed by the courts, then this all becomes evidence in a defamation case, which if any form of suit is brought upon this person, a counter-suit is an obvious form of defence if they assume they have enough money to break you in the courts.

Its all good in fantasy land, but the justice system rarely gets it right.
can someone also pm me the name of the person so i don't receive dodgy snakes. really people, i think that if people keep buying from guy then they r just encouraging what he is doing, which IMO is REALLY WRONG. he should be brought to justice
well on the up side at least no snakes would die for worms over the next couple of month

Im not in a slanging match, just posting some honest truths. If the person in question has read this thread, if they had any common sense, they would by now have given every animal in stock a worming treatment, if the authorities dont swing into action soon (not likely) then most of the parasite load will have already been passed, if not even given enough time for a secondary dose to be given, to clear out any eggs yet to hatch and breaking the cycle. Then see what legs you have to stand on, it wouldnt be unthinkable that a small percentage of animals in large collections have some form of parasite load, and if that avenue of arguement is believed by the courts, then this all becomes evidence in a defamation case, which if any form of suit is brought upon this person, a counter-suit is an obvious form of defence if they assume they have enough money to break you in the courts.

Its all good in fantasy land, but the justice system rarely gets it right.
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