Ok as I am not fully up on the genus of all snakes and have limited knowledge in this field ...so its always been to my understanding that the genus 'PSEUDONAJA" *guttata *modesta*textilis*ingrami*nuchalis...correct? and that the genus 'DEMANSIA" is different to the 'PSEUDONAJA"....so when I was looking up the species that stewart had found ...when I typed in demansia ...it came up with this ...(copied from google)
Scientific Name: Demansia textilis
A very common snake of mainly inland Australia which can grow quite large. Browns of nearly two metres have been seen in Western Victoria. It is very venomous.
The brown snake is approximately 1.5 metres long, and is one of Australia's more deadly creatures. They have venom which can cause death to humans relatively quickly if left untreated. Brown snakes up to 2.3 metres have been recorded in Australia.
They feed on small creatures, such as mice and rats, small birds, lizards or even other snakes. These snakes are found in Eastern Australia, however they are not found in Tasmania.
......plus this
Demansia /De·man·sia/ (de-man´se-ah) a genus of venomous snakes of the family Elapidae, including the brown snake of Australia and New Guinea.
Dorland's Medical Dictionary for Health Consumers. © 2007 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
a genus of venomous snakes.
Demansia nuchalis affinis as for D. textilis (below). Called also dugite, spotted brown snake.
Demansia nuchalis nuchalis similar to D. textilis. Called also gwardar, western brown snake, Pseudonaja nuchalis.
Demansia olivaceae (syn. Demansia psammophis olivacea) a thin, poisonous snake up to 7 ft long. Called also black whip snake.
Demansia textilis the Australian brown snake with a powerful toxin and a willingness to attack. Envenomation is characterized by clinical signs of drowsiness, drooping of lips and eyelids, inability to swallow, labored abdominal respiration, muscle tremor, recumbency and pupillary dilatation in some cases. Called also common brown snake.
So if you guys would like to enlighten me on this ...much appreciated ...