Aussie Pythons & Snakes Forum

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Small world, I lived in Engadine for a few years after I got married. Theres no doubt that there are still plenty of reptiles around in the right areas, trouble is the right areas are getting smaller and smaller every year and in a lot of cases disappearing altogther.
well i always loved reptiles, but i didnt really think of keeping any until 2004/2005 when my friend at school brought in his geckos to show the class (yr5 then) and i was hooked lol. so, now i keep two leafies.
i have always had an interest in animals in general, i used to love sharks and heaps of books and pics of them, and when i was young i always wanted to bea vet, but somehow ended up doing a year of engineering and now am effectively what you would call self employed in something nothing to do with animals or engineering but anyway.....can always remeber holding a snake at australia zoo about 12 years ago when i was just knee high to grasshopper and loving it and never thought of owning a snake until about a year ago i walked into the local pet store with my girlfriend looking at puppies and i somehow got side tracked by the snkaes and lizards they had!! she tired to convince to get a lizard coz she didnt like the way the snakes "moved without having legs" but after much sweet talking and assuring they would never escape i now have two and one more on order!

p.s. dont tell her but i dont think three will be enough either! lol!
My Mother and Father tell tales of old, from the days I was too young to remember, when growing up in coastal scrubby Yanchep, near Perth, of my Mothers screams when making my bed in the mornings, to find I had shared it with a tick ridden 'bobby', yet again.

Her gradual acceptance that I, unlike other children my age, was never going to settle for teddy bears and stuffed toys.

My earliest reptile memories were of picking the ticks off relatives of the first 'bobbies'.

Dugites when walking through the coastal scrub. One taking advantage of the privacy afforded by the t-shirt of a sleeping man by the pool, while he was still wearing it.

Spikey lizards, to this day I am not sure of what species, rescued and rehabbed.

In Brisbane, at age 8, with a large turtle rescued from the gutter of a busy street around St Lucia UQ campus.

Onto Cairns, and Green Tree snakes slipping quickly away from horses hooves as we rode through the rainforest.

Back to Perth and dealing with Tigers and Dugites in the house and yard. Rescueing and rehabbing again, and discovering I couldn't keep any legally.

So back to Brisbane again, paperworked and legal. :)
I grew up on a farm and learnt from early on to keep away from snakes, because most of the ones we had were venomous. We lived away from the nearest town. I grew up being afraid of snakes. It wasnt until I saw and fell in love with the Beardies on TV and shortly acquired one ,that I joined here and met a new lady(friend Now) that is only up the road. We went around her house to see her reps and my daughter fell for her snakes. I was too scared to touch any of them. I used to get the sweats up..ewww. My daughter wanted a snake and kept asking till i gave in on 2 conditions 1. it lived in her room and she didnt get it out near the toddler. 2. It wasnt a venomous one ( I dint know about the different classes of licences then)
So she got a children's- he was so quite that I came to like him and bought a childrens for myself- and she does bite the little bugga. Now I also have 2 spotted's.
My herp colllection is only small but consists of
2 Childrens
2 spotteds
6 Beardies- Vitticeps
1 blue tongue
Not bad for a person scared of them. I love them all, but still very wary of the bigger snakes if they go near my face, but im getting better.
i dont really remember initially getting into herps. but ever since i can remember i had been catching blue tongues, garden skinks and water skinks. i know its illegal now, but thats why i dont do it anymore. i also have had a mad obsession with scorpions since the beginning. as a result of my love for reptiles i am now at tafe studying animal technology, and in a years to come i hope to either be in a zoo or in reptile education.
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