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Heavy metal keeps you sane ??????? And as for telling people what to do, how can I get a job like that lol
security, with all this terrorism crap it seems like they'll hire almost anyone these days, except terrorists of course! (if you're a terrorist u have to get a job as a pilot or bus or taxi driver LOL)
So what herps have you got mate? I've got 6 beardies 3 cps a bredli and a diamond
Have 2 yearling Coastals and thats all at the moment. Hoping to get another python this year. With any luck I will win the Bredli LOL
Good luck with that eh! Sorry I was actually busy for a while, concerts over. I'm hoping to start breeding my CPs this year if all goes well.
Here, here...good show the Doobie dude's; excellent....
Could have sworn you'd just been sent back in a time warp....
Alot of long grey haired fella's came from out of no where......
Some of us still enjoy living in the past... :wink:
It was good from a security point of view, nice quiet crowd, no fights. But I can't say much about the show, I only saw a couple mins of it and I wouldn't even know one of their songs if it bit me on the...
Hey, whats wrong with kiwis and rat-breeders, at least we arnt post junkies that post continous rubbish.
Pete - you are a crack up! That gorgeous wife of yours needs to kick you off the puter :)
Actually Reed, I was out warming the beer drinking chair and just came back in. Please prepare for some absolute crap for the next little while. sorry folks. thats just what I do!!!
Thought you would be here, hows life? Might have to get some info about drinks, cant promise i will make it as i am going to the Big Day Out the day before, and it its generally keeps up with its name.
What!!! How can one day stop you from the next. I was young once. Only when you are old like me can you use that excuse. Its OK if tomorrow is a work day. Then we understand. You are sick as hell. But if tomorrow is a party day. Then Party.

Othwerise...... we could probably use a dirver :) :) :)
Hows the water dragon male goin mate? Shipped him off yet?
Big Day Out goes for 13 hrs and 55,000 people and JD slurpees take quite a toll on me, then we after-party at a mates till the wee hours, but i will be trying to put in the super-human performance, if my liver doesnt crawl out my... i will definately try to come out, as i am dying to catch up with you guys.
No mate not yet. and 3 inches of his tail fell off today!!!! How's that for weird. Not a cage decoration in sight and he loses 3 inches. Poo, that would totally destroy me!!!

and have you ever noticed the people who actually log off as soon as I get on here with a bit of booze in me???? :)
LOL mmm do you think the purchaser is going to be a bit concerned with that? Guess it will grow back..

Yeah i think they say to themselves "well its that time of the night again.." Don't worry they do that when I post 5000 pics too!

Ihaveherps who is headlining BDO this year, I went 4 years in a row until last year i missed it, seems to be the same bands over and over.. I was 5 feet from the girl who died in the Limp Bizkit mosh pit too..
Hey Pete just bought (well hopefully) two Central Netteds from Petlink, been looking for them for a while in Sydney woo hoo! Ya should add them to ya Lizard collection too!
Iggy Pop, thats why I'm not goin this year, crap line-up!
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