most painful experiences (graphic pics)

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Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2010
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Well I got my toe done by the lawn mower, walked 100m up to the house leaving a thick trail of blood behind me,
and if you think it ends there it doesn't, they put an open cast on it evan tho it was only the toe that was hurt and there were flies landing on it (i stoped them with a cloth)
but then a few days later I was getting stabbs of pain in my toes, at first the docs wouldn't take the cast off but when they finaly did there was maggots all over it.
and not to mention the amount of times I stubbed it :(
and when the time came for the stitches to come out, the appointment was canceled, and the stitches were I can't remember how many weeks over due to come out,
so there was a layer of skin over them and the docs just got a hooked tool and riped the skin off to get to the stitches out
the bit I'm most proud of is I never cryed once (this happened back when I was 12) and I have seen grown men cry over less (babys :p )

so what is your most painful experiences and if possible pics to prove it :)


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Oh thats horrid lol

I dont have any pics, my mum has dad made her take some so they could sue , which didnt end up happening..anyway..
When i was 15 my skirt caught on fire, very flammable skirt lol flames were up pretty high.. according to the people who were with me, they had to crash tackle me to the ground , i dont remember it as i blacked out and i woke up on the ground all wet from being hosed down
I had no idea how bad i was burnt, it ended up being 3rd degree burns that took 3months to heal.My skirt had actually melted to my leg.. I couldnt walk on my leg for the first week , and the pain from the burns was unbearable most of the time..most definately the worst pain i have ever gone through..yes worse than childbirth! I blew my finger up with an airless spray gun. Like a balloon. Training saved paint going up my whole arm. It's amazing what you can do when in pain.
mate well done. That looks like it would have hurt heaps! Hope you get better really soon
getting your heart broken by someone who looked you in the eye 4 hours before, they told you they loved you, then 4 hours later, "i dont love you anymore." i'd rather be shot.
Sorry $NaKe PiMp thats as big as I can get it :(
bah who need simpithy :)
Sel a girl's hair cought on fire right next to me once, it was at a friend birthday party so it was at night so we could play spot light (love that game when there is a lot of bush around :) ) but it dark except for the candles (they were decorations) so when her hair went up it was realy bright so it was pretty obvious, but it was easy to put out (just claped my hand over it and it went out)

What if it were a horribly mangled dead body? Wouldnt that disturb you?

snakeluvver I would never post pics of my brother here ;)

mate well done. That looks like it would have hurt heaps! Hope you get better really soon

it was back when i was about 12 (i'm 15 now) but thanks any way :)
I was mucking around with my husband to be and housemate a few years back, they grabbed me in a bear hug between them and squeezed me really hard...

The broke my sternum... o_o

Painful, worst part is that it stayed tender and painful for 3.5 years, and although mostly better now it is still really tender if poked really hard.
spyder6025 that is nasty :( hope it gets better soon :)
looks like my dads legs when he broke it when he was 13 says dad (bike vs car) broke thumb at 15 (roller skates) broke toe at 21 (motorbike on farm) broke back driving into nonactive volcanic crater on a motorbike at 23 (notice that pattern (all accidents are on wheels) and now he has been in a wheelchair for 18 years but he still fixes vehicles and drives a detroit diesel v6 53, has a family of 9 and fixes every thing that 9 kids can break :)
ooooh those are AWESOME photos Trench! but i agree...far too small to truly appreciate :(
just see the maggot infestation as some free medical treatment ;)

don't have any photos, but when I was about 8 we were on holiday visiting my aunt in NSW. I was sitting on the bed playing N64 with my cousins, and my little cousin was sitting on the ground; I wasn't paying attention to what she was doing.
My Mum called me and when I got off the bed...I found myself with a wooden skewer straight through the top of my foot! Turns out she was sitting down breaking them in half for fun, and one must've been stuck in the carpet pointing upwards...

I then hobbled down too Mum, who wouldn't touch it! then over to Dad (who is a nurse!) who wouldn't touch it, and I had too pull it out myself lol. Must've been sitting on a perfect angle to just slide straight through with no issues!
Well my DAD had half of his big toe cut off and dangling and his whole two toes after the big toe cut off and dangling after messing around in an elevator years ago. They're stitched back on.
As for me...
I've had two bad physical injuries -- one when I fell off my bike and cut my side really badly, it eventually went green and I had to keep dabbing it with Dettol, and the scar was there for years.
The other was ages ago I was riding around on a scooter and I went to stop by putting my big toe on the brakes, but my toe slipped and got caught under the brakes and it almost ripped the toenail off and it was bleeding for about half an hour.
I know these aren't THAT bad...
this is my effort, accidentally flicked my fingers into a trimmer while routing a door handle out, index finger went straight in and then it started hacking into my middle finger! unbelivabley it didnt hurt to much, was kinda like when ya slap your finger tips on a table to hard. also had to run my boss to hospital when i was an apprentice after he cut his fingers in half on the panel saw, his index finger was cut literally in half =S
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