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Newspaper for adult snakes and paper towel for hatchlings because in the 10 or so years ive used it ive never had any issues caused by it.
For lizards i use fake turf.
I use astro turf. I have 2 pieces I interchange. Clean with bleach, leave in the sun.
Spot clean with vinegar.
I like the green underneath the rocks and wood.
I use a range of things depending upon the animal.

Aspen for most of my snakes as I get it at the right price and I find many of the snakes I keep like to burrow. Sure they can get under newspaper (what I used to use) but it's not the same. Looks good too.

For some of the real burrowers I mix Aspen with peat moss and sand as it tends to hold moisture better.

I only have one species of python (roughies) now and they get Aspen like the others.When I used paper they were almost always up perching but since using Aspen they seem to spend as much time on the bottom. Not sure why.Must feel more comfortable as it molds to their shape.

For skinks,geckos, frogs, inverts etc I use either alone or in combinations peat moss, sand, spagnum and leaf litter. Depends on the species and its requirements.

These substrates are all more work and cost than paper but for me it works as I don't have the huge number of animals some people have.

Cheers Andrew
Aspen, because I got a bag of it included with the enclosure we bought, lol. Will probably change to newspaper though, as I've been told aspen is no good.
i use paper and tile for my dragon and red desert sand for my geckos. I will be using paper and tile for my stimmie when it's ready to pick up
Newspaper - free, easy to clean, snake can hide under the layers if he wants. No mess, no fuss.
I have a Sandfire Stimsoni, in a 3ft Wooden Enclosure. I use Clay Balls Substrate, Its $40 for one bag which fills a 3ft tank. You only need to buy it once. When they poop or wee on it, you scoop up the clumps and wash it in a colinder and then leave it on a paper towel and it goes straight back into the tank when dry. Also if the snake somehow decides to digest it, it can. It will pass through normally and is 100% digestable. i was also suggested to use this substrate by a breeder who has been using it for around 30 years. you can buy it from any reptile store, though i find its cheaper in Extreme Pets. Excellent Stuff, Rate Is 10/10!
Also dont use sand for stimmies, it makes there scales lift and if they digest it, its hard to come out..stay away from sand !

Cheers Lauren
For my adult dragons: Washed Playsand from Bunnings...
For my hatchling dragons: Astro-Turf (four sections in their enclosure, much easier to spot-clean and replace with a fresh-piece)
For my pythons: Astro-Turf (12 sections in the Bredli enclosure, 24 sections in the MD enclosure - MD enclosure is twice the size of the Bredli enclosure)
For my G. variegata: Red Desert Sand (holds heat in that side well - Heat-Mat used under one third)
For my U. milii: Red Desert Sand (looks good!)
For my N. levis levis: Red Desert Sand (tends to hold its tunnel shape longer than anything else I've found, AND it looks good with red geckos!)
For my daughter's Stimson: Red Desert Sand (because I stock it in my Reptile Room, and she gets it cheaper!)

I use Astro-Turf for its easy cleaning (just remove excess waste material first, scrubbing brush under hot running water, both sides, hang on the clothes line to dry, trim any frayed ends), longevity, cost-effectiveness and aesthetics. My number one beardie Leo had the same two pieces his whole life (just over eleven years). The only "downside" to this is, being in sections, occasionally, an escapee cricket that escapes the eagle eyes of the hatchlings gets in underneath. Mind you, when it come out at night to munch on the dragons' salad, there's usually one little vegemite awake to pounce! :)

The Red Desert Sand is great for geckos that dig burrows, as it tends to hold longer than other sands I've found (if anyone has any other ideas for levis, would love to know about it!), is really easy to spot-clean and is 'reasonably' priced. (I have suppliers for the Reptile Room, very handy!)

The Washed Playsand from Bunnings - well, the adult dragons' enclosures are fairly large, so I do use a "bit"... Cheap, easy to spot-clean, good for when the dragons dig. Only downside is it's packed damp, which is one reason why I don't use it in my snakes' enclosures, so when I've put it in the enclosure, I leave the lid (top-opening) open a little to help it all dry, and reduce the humidity in the enclosure.

Hope this helps! Great idea for a thread, by the way - and interestingly timed... SnakeBytesTV's latest edition is the top 10 substrates...!

I use Breeders Choice cat litter. It's cheap, easy to clean out (just a small scooper needed) and it's safe because its made from recycled newspapers. Plus if my animals accidentally swallow a piece of it, its breaks down to nothing straight away so doesn't cause blockages unlike bark and sand
Monitors - Sand
Snakes - News paper - 80% Peat Moss and 20% Sand
Frogs - Peat Moss
Terriestial Skinks - 50/50 Peat moss and Sand
You can also get butchers paper from some storage places cheaply with no news print ink on it.
Would you use red gravel for Olives? and Astro Turf with large water bowl for Water Pythons?
aspen bedding.
looks nice, relatively cheap, easy to clean.
My spotteds were on recycled paper litter but it got fouled really quickly and fades under light, so they are now on marine carpet. My womas will be on desert sand for aesthetics and they like digging , the golden orange stuff, and I will probably go with aspen bedding for my darwin again for aeshetics.
how are your womas going on desert sand? thats what im using for mine but not many other people use it.
what is this aspen bedding you all talk about? LOL
I'm confused!!! (no access to pet shops where I live, and definately no reptile supply places!!!) Can someone show me a pic of what it actually looks like in an enclosure? I think I have seen a packet image on a website, but that doesn't really help to show what it is! LOL
gotta love living remote, NOT!!!
breeders choice recycled cat litter, get it from woolies,

no artificial addatives,
or chemicles.
looks better than paper, its grey pellet form.

DO NOT KEEP YOUR SNAKES ON SAND, and if you do dont feed them on it,
in click clacks i use paper towels

in their big enclosures i use oz pet litter.
Oz pet (compressed sawdust pellets) looks great, smells great, absorbs wonderfully, easy to see where to spot clean, and its even removed all tlhe smell from the shingleback enclosure (and believe me, they smell 100 times worse than teh smelliest python)

at $20 for a big bag i think its pretty cheap. (id pay double that it dos such a good job)
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