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RE: Re: RE: Cross Breeding

Who is looking for 'pure' carpets to set up a breeding lineage?
Anyone buying a coastal carpet python doenst have a clue where it came from or what blood it has anyway!! How do you detirmine pure coastals unless you catch the thing yourself.
Everyone buy pure coastals now and corner the market on locality lineage coastals if you insist, but is this all you can base your arguements against crossing Morelia?
RE: Re: RE: Cross Breeding

What, did anyone say that?

I think this thread is getting a little side tracked.

I only put a few pics up to show the possible outcome. And how interesting they could be. thats it.

Had nothing to do with the species, cause it could apply to any.
RE: Re: RE: Cross Breeding

A GTP changes clour yes, but it doesent start of with orange, sky blue and PINK!!!!! I would turn it down or i would take it and give it to someone who wanted it. Anyway it's hard enough getting anormal GTP in Aust let alone a technicolour one.
RE: Re: RE: Cross Breeding

The idea of the photo was for an example to show what extremes of the colours for anysnake of any breed could be if breed in a paticular way.

Not if you thought the name should fitted the snake.

But you have to admit the variations are really amazing even if you dont like the colour.
RE: Re: RE: Cross Breeding

What do you think the Greens being bred in Oz are?They're not pure Aussie Greens and there are a few different lines.Any GTP you buy in Oz will have blue in it or yellow as well as some i've seen with black spots.

I'm not against crossbreeding at all but as has been said if you're intentionally going to cross a jungle with a diamond the offspring should be advertised and sold as such.I have a jungle x diamond and she's a gorgeous snake but i doubt by looking at it anybody could tell me it's not pure jungle.Will have to get a recent pic.

Is it crossbreeding in Victoria when you put a jungle across a diamond seeing as they mostly all come under varieagata?

Actually from a thread ages ago i seem to recall that every morelia other than viridis,carinata,bredli are all now taxonomically Varieagata even though we still recognise them under their sub species names!!!
Re: RE: Cross Breeding

Jonny said:
OuZo said:
i'm interested to know who here that is really against it has cross bred dogs or domestic cats!

Cross breed dogs or cats is different. We are talking about the same SPECIES. The breeds in this situation have been selectively bred for many generations to get different looking animals but are still the same species.

Not to mention that the herps in question are NATIVES. Dogs, cats, ferrets, what ever are introduced species.
Is the risk that a cross bred snake could escape and affect the native population, to big a risk to take.
RE: Re: RE: Cross Breeding

I would love to know how many people have had escaped snakes that they never got back???If they weren't snakes from that locality but could still survive there wouldn't you think there'd be some unusual looking carpets being found here and there.A good example is if i had an escaped jungle which isn't the area of natural distribution and it got into the wild,survived, then bred with the local carpet variety the gene pool for that area would eventually get completely muddled up.

Apparently though,so i have heard snakes relocated etc out of the range of where they originate from won't survive.Would this also apply to captive bred animals that have escaped.I know heaps of people who've had escaped snakes and found them up to months later and they'd definitely been feeding and surviving on their own and most weren't indigineous to the areas they escaped into!!!
RE: Re: RE: Cross Breeding

The only reason I mentioned the escapees is that it would be a shame to water down the native blood lines with mutations. Even thou over time they would be almost completly bred out out but never the less still a shame.

Or on the other hand, if the cross bred snake was so colourful it would stick out like dogs balls. Therefore being a prime target for a predator, unless you lost a big bugger.

Hmm I dunno, whatever!!!!!
RE: Re: RE: Cross Breeding

playwell, what if some one lost a morelia bredli on the tweed coast??
why worry about xbreeds escaping - have an escaped bredli breeding with coastals would amount to exactly the same thing.
RE: Re: RE: Cross Breeding

Yeh I know, but it's probly happened already. (AT least it wouldnt be pink>>LOL)
I was just being hyperthetical, not trying to get under your skin.

Got another Q. for ya thou.
If I found that Bredli in my back yard and could prove it was not local, could I keep it? :twisted:

probly to hard to prove.
RE: Re: RE: Cross Breeding

That's exactly what I was thinking, why use the escapee as a reason not to do it ? No offense meant but most of the snakes we have are "exotics" as far as not being native to our area. What it comes down to is you either like the cross breeds or you don't. I like them but like most people not to the exclusion of 'pure' animals although judging by the amazing variation I have seen in the local carpets I fail to see how anyone can know where they come from exactly.
RE: Re: RE: Cross Breeding

I like the idea of cross breeding, as I said ealier.

I didnt try to use the escapee a reason for not doing it.
It was just a point that could be made.
A bright snake such as pink or blue would not be the best thing for our local snakes to breed with.

Personally I am not uptight about if my own snakes are pure or not, I just want good looking snakes.
I would love to have a crazy coloured GTP or a white Carpet Python. I've seen pics of albina olive pythons and they are nothing less than spectacular, so is the price tag.
RE: Re: RE: Cross Breeding

The sooner we get affordable albinos the better. I have had a couple of albinos in my time and they are great, considering they have virtually no colour they are an awesome snake.
Would like to see that pic.

Here's the pic playwell,not a good one and doesn't show her yellow too well but you get the idea.Could anyone say just by looking at this snake if it is a pure jungle or not?I highly doubt anyone could but it is a jungle diamond hybrid and if i breed from her the offspring will be advertised or sold as hybrids!!!i


And while we're discussing this i would prefer an exotic GTP over a pure Aussie one.They are just a green carpet to me with white spots,however i've seen some stunning greens but they weren't Aussies and if offered one of these in the pic below i'd grab one in a heartbeat!!!

Cross breed dogs or cats is different. We are talking about the same SPECIES. The breeds in this situation have been selectively bred for many generations to get different looking animals but are still the same species.

ok i'm confused lol...isn't species "dog" or "cat" or "snake"? and the different breeds are like the sub species? so wouldnt that kinda mean that a diamond to a coastal say would be the same as a great dane to a chihuahua? or are all dogs canis lupus with no sub species? :?
I think strictly speaking all dogs are a single species but anyone with half a good eye can see they are very diiferent. A dog expert will have to clear this one up ;-)

all domestic dogs are Canis familiaris, the dingo is Canis familiaris(or lupus) dingo(subspecies). You have other species of dogs. You have other species of canines like African hunting dogs, coyotes etc.

In the cat family you have lions, tigers, etc

With diamonds and coastals they are subspecies (for now). They probably stemed from an original ancestor and through geographical isolation and natural selection over millions of years the genetics are different to a degree that they can separate them as a subspecies.
If you isolated great danes and chihuahuas and it brought about radical genetic changes over millions of years they would prob be divided into subspecies


so if a dingo is a subspecies of canis lupus then wouldnt crossing that with another subspecies of canis lupus be like crossing diamond and coastal? 2 sub species of the same species being crossed together? are all domestic dogs the same sub species?
. :lol: .... This going noware... :lol:

Nice pics BROWNS, I would take any GTP :roll:
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