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MannyM said:
Bigblackdog said:
I got into it by catching some Asian House Geckos for my 2 year old son to watch about 6 weeks ago.
Then I got a license.
Then I got my Beardie.
Then I bought a pair of Coastal Carpets.
Now I'm getting a pair of Childrens Pythons & a pair of knob-tailed geckos.
Now I'm broke!

Your collection has grown in 6 weeks from nothing to that?! Crazy.

by the way, loving everyone's stories.

I forgot to mention I'm also looking for Diamonds, Accies & Netted Dragons as well as some more unusual geckoes.

Have to thank Qld's EPA for getting my permit out to me in less than a week of lodging the application!

Reptiles - The Most Fun You Can Have With Your Clothes On! :lol:
I saw a mate feed her childrens... and i was hooked! But i've always had a fascination with reptiles, as a kid i always used to go out catching anything i could find.
i think i just really wanted a snake
then when i told my mates i was getting one they all went out and get them aswell
and now it just doesnt stop
I got into reptiles because they are worth good money & I have alot in my area I can catch & sell to make a profit.

I also got into it because there isn't as many mutations in this hobby like there is fish & birds so I thought I could cross breed all different species and make even more profit.


I have always been an animal lover involved in many hobbies over the years (aquarium, kennels, aviculture)

I got my first pair of turtles at the age of 6 & started catching wild bearded dragons, water dragons, GTF & blueys at about 9. The school library had a reptile book with alot of pictures that I would borrow frequently & was disapointed I had never seen let alone caught alot of the animals pictured in the wild (many were not local animals to my area lol).Once I found out HOW TO get these interstate animals I applied for my licence.
When I was 4, I couldn't have any pets that shed fur or created dust, as I has fairly bad allergies. My parents first got me a tarantula (this was in California) wild from the desert, but this really wasn't Anyhow, Mom brought hoe a rosy boa one day she'd bought off a kid at the school she worked at. 31 years later, and Noah The Boa (I was 4 when I named her, give me a break) is still going strong. I've since moved to Australia, and am hoping to renew my snake keeping ways.

bobthefish said:
When I was 4, I couldn't have any pets that shed fur or created dust, as I has fairly bad allergies. My parents first got me a tarantula (this was in California) wild from the desert, but this really wasn't Anyhow, Mom brought hoe a rosy boa one day she'd bought off a kid at the school she worked at. 31 years later, and Noah The Boa (I was 4 when I named her, give me a break) is still going strong. I've since moved to Australia, and am hoping to renew my snake keeping ways.


I assume "Noah" didnt make the move to Australia with you. Either way 30 plus years must be a good innings for a snake :D
My daughter (now 17) always wanted a snake - from as soon as she knew what a snake was, so we ended up getting her one for her 13th birthday. I was pretty nervous about it and layed down the laws that she was to look after it, feed it etc etc. Now we have close to 30 pythons and I am addicted
Wow i never thought this thread would go for so long, its great to hear all the different stories keep them coming guys!!!!(and gals')
scotchbo said:
I was just reading a thread pythonkisses posted bout it would be a good idea to see what got everyone hooked on herp's so i thought i would make one up hope u dont mind pythonkisses anyway i hope everyone responds?.

Nah your right :)

I got hooked on reptiles when i was young i had lizards etc i first got into pythons about 5 yrs ago after holding a bhp at a reptile park since then i can't go back i just fell in love with them even thou the red bellys etc scare to crap out of me the pythons are my babies big teddy bears now am hooked big time where near every week am adding to my numbers of pythons my new love now is Coastal Carpets which am on the look out for more i get my jungles next week which i cant wait for :) and yes i will be posting pics asap.

I bet i will also post up my first pic of my first ever bite :)

sammie :p
hi all, i'm new here, and what better place to introduce my self.
my terrified mother found me at 2 years o;d playing with a "pwetty stick" a very pwetty red and black stick in the back yard. then at 5 i saw a reptile show and got to hold a big python, and i wanted nothing else in the world. for every birthday and xmas it was all i asked for. i used to catch frillys and tadpoles as a kid, like most kids, and every year my wish list never changed. finally, for my 27th birthday i had my licence and my first serpent baby. i had never had any fear, and feel very natural with them. now i have a macky, a stimmy, 2 netteds, and 3 coastals. :)
WEll I have been hooked and wanted my first snake ever since I was inhigh School and some bloke brought in a heap of reptiles and I got my first hold of a Diamond Python. Mother said No years later met the hubby and it has taken me 10 years to talk the him into letting me get my first Coastal, but now I have him wrapped around the finger there are many more to come. He has 2 Bearded dragons and I have a list as long as my arm with what I would like to add to my collection.

2 of everything would be nice :wink:
I was 3 and a 1/2 and he was 3.5ft.
I had a nice brown tan, he was a nice eastern brown.
I showed him mutual respect and he didn't bite me, much to my mums relief
and from that day forward i fell in love with snakes.
Though now being a father myself and my wife being not a big fan of elapids, it's now only pythons for me though my 20 month old shares my passion nothing more rewarding then passing on the torch :)
But i stillI get my ven fix doing relocations and callouts helping a friend.
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