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no names as yet ile post some pics not sure the numbers but i picked out the most placid and two that resembled the father the most both have good dorsal stripe running down their tail.

Awesome, i was the same haha i told Stewy i want the most placid one you have, n he pulled out my lil guy and said he's pretty placid and he slid right onto my hand :). Yeah the father was nice, did you get a good look at him?

Yeah i think i going to go with the jungles, i dont know why but i am more attracted to the morelia family than the woma's or the BHP's. I have heard the rumors that they can be really snappy, but then you can get snappy specimen's of all snakes, and i am planning on getting them as hatchies so i will be able learn their individual personalities when they are still small. I gotta thank schizmz and a couple of other ppl on here that have posted their pics for making my decision easier. Now i just gotta stop being lazy and get my new enclosures finished so that i can get them. ;)

I just love the colours of the Jungles, they are really attractive snakes :). Yeah thats true, u never know u might get lucky with some placid snakes... and obviously you're fairly experienced having a few exotics so im sure you'll be fine with them ;). Seems like building an enclosure is an effective cheap way... ill def attempt making my own out of a cupboard or something similar when its time for mine to move out of its click clack :)

Nice. Had 3 coastals years ago, realy good snakes, good nature even when they got over 7ft.

Yeah only heard good things :D, what do you have now?
At the moment i have 2 finished enclosures (1 Bought 3 foot long, 1 converted tv unit) and am building a bank of 3 enclosures 1200(l) x 600(w) x 700(h) out if melamine. If you are capable of a bit of DIY it is really easy and alot cheaper to build your own, Only thing you have to worry about is the wireing in the enclosure and if your not 100% sure what you are doing you are better off getting a sparky to do it for you. All up it's going to cost me roughly $800 to build the 3 enclosures which i am more than happy with. And then you also get to show off your creations to family and friends. And i wouldnt really say that i got "exotics" only have McDowelli and Variegata, and wouldnt say that i am that experienced, its just that any info i find out i like to triple check as there are alot of people that have alot of different opinions and ideas and it is easy to be led in the wrong direction
Thats awesome, yeah i dont mind a bit of DIY :) and if i think the electrical part is too much i will def get a sparkie to do the job.. oh fair enough, i meant exotic pets :) but yeah still anyone who has more knowledge than me is experienced haha.
annnnnd my python fed his first meal tonight :D :D :D yew i jus cut the fuzzy open and threw it in.. is looked around the enclosure a bit then eventually picked it up and now its jus sitting with it in its mouth haha. very excited :D... but now that theres guts in the enclosure everywhere should i clean it after its swallowed or should i wait til its digested and pooped? cause i know ur meant to leave them for 2-3days after a feed
ummmmmm....thats a good question, they say that about handling but then alot of people feed out of the enclosure and would have to put the snake back in afterwards, so i guess as long as the snake doesnt get to stressed out you could do it now, would be better than leaving it for a couple of days. I use toilet rolls for hides so if that happens i just wait for it to go into its hide, put a hand at either end and pick it up and get my gf to clean it.
i feed my larger snakes in their enclosures sometimes and out others, just to mix it up a little them but my hatchie likes to hang when he is eating so i let it hang on the lowest rail on the clothes horse over a piece of newspaper, then once its finished i bring the click clack up from under it so it can crawl in without being stressed or annoyed ;) It should be fine to do, just get yourself all set up, clean paper, cleaning stuff so then you can keep handling time to a minimum
ok so i am pretty sure that was more stressful for me than the snake lol.. i opened the enclosure to transfer to another click clack and he wasn't keen to come out really so i picked him up with a hook and then he didnt wanna go in either click clack, took me a few minutes to get the lid on and accidently dropped the hook with him in the other click clack.. did a good clean etc and then he kept trying to stay outta both enclosures but eventually got him back in and eventually he unwrapped himself from the hook... lol *sigh*
i've never had an issue with feeding my snakes in their enclosures. so long as they are handled enough, they have always been fairly placid. i don't stick my hands in when there's a mouse in the room, but otherwise no issues.

my older coastal is 15 months old now. friendly as and beautiful


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I must admit i freaked a lil when it started sliding up towards my hand, even though i washed my hands with vinegar and soap i still didnt like it that much haha. the stunk! lol there was enough blood & guts around inside the enclosure to make it stink so i had to give it a clean... its all dont now, ill upload some quick snap shots in a second.. not very good photos though :( only my phone.
phone pics just need some good lighting :p

don't freak, just pic the little guy up gently from well behind his head. the more it gets used to you, the more it'll feel normal to hold.
lol....sounds like a friendly little fella, i found the same thing the first time i fed it out of the enclosure, tried to pick it up to put it back in and it just wanted to wrap its self around my fingers and be a general pain to get back in, but i'm glad it all went well for you, and he's happily hiding away with a full belly.

Perkele i do it as a positive re-enforcement kind of thing for comming out of the enclosure, and being nice, especially comming up to feeding night. My 2 y/o is very food orientated and as soon as she see's the rat, she'll come towards you for it so i am careful to not handle the rats and handle her, but my 1 y/o male is that placid that i can prepare the rat, get him out, feed him and put him back in the enclosure without washing my hands and i dont have a problem, not a regular practice but have done it accidently when i have had friends around, and not a habbit i intend to get into
ill leave it for a couple days for now.. all tucked away in the enclosure in the dark :) but i definetely will be eager to hold him after he's digested the fuzzie :)
lol....sounds like a friendly little fella, i found the same thing the first time i fed it out of the enclosure, tried to pick it up to put it back in and it just wanted to wrap its self around my fingers and be a general pain to get back in, but i'm glad it all went well for you, and he's happily hiding away with a full belly.

Perkele i do it as a positive re-enforcement kind of thing for comming out of the enclosure, and being nice, especially comming up to feeding night. My 2 y/o is very food orientated and as soon as she see's the rat, she'll come towards you for it so i am careful to not handle the rats and handle her, but my 1 y/o male is that placid that i can prepare the rat, get him out, feed him and put him back in the enclosure without washing my hands and i dont have a problem, not a regular practice but have done it accidently when i have had friends around, and not a habbit i intend to get into

Yeah it seems friendly haha but like i said freaked a bit not knowiing if it was coming to feast on my hand or jus to have a climb on me :?. he/she is a happy lil snake now :)
lol....yeah it is a little disconcerting when they do come at your fingers just after they have eaten, finger looks like it would go down quite once he digested let the enjoyment begin, just remember to take it slow and build up as they can go off their food from over handling.
i do a similar thing. i make sure i give my 1 year old a good handling before a feed, but i put her back in the enclosure. from what i've read, people usually take their snakes out to feed separately so as not to associate opening the enclosure with food, and to protect other snakes in the same enclosure.

i tried it with my hatchling coastal this year when i was having trouble getting it started on food. otherwise, it's usually easy enough for me to just put the mouse in, either by dropping, tongs or by hand.

all snakes have their own personalities, and they react differently to different situations
all snakes have their own personalities, and they react differently to different situations

aint that the truth, i'm lucky that none of my snakes are cage defensive, so i dont do it because of that, its more that it is what i have found that has stopped my 2y/o being a little snappy once out of the enclosure, she has learnt to look for the rat, not the movement when she is out as we have 4 kids so a snappy snake isnt ideal around them. I hand feed all 3 snakes and i probably will even when they are fully grown, and have one been tagged once during feeding so far and that was a missed shot from my hatchie and he let go as soon as he couldnt pull me down and he had me at bad angle to try and wrap around me as he picked up his hide when he tried!
was that a fuzzy mouse or rat? I got mine feeding on pinkie rats already, swapped him over in one feed no fuss... didnt want him getting to "addicted" to the mice and be hard to change over when he was older
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