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poggle there are also people out there that have a m/f that they have had since hatchy that is now old enough to breed so they are looking for a m/f partner for it and planning on just keeping a baby or 2 to grow up and breed with/from and hoping to somewhat selectively breed to suit themselves for pattern/colour etc as you have to start somewhere

I totally agree with you mate. Some people do that for that particular reason. I was not trying to cause an argument either. Just trying to back up the facts, if you buy a stud bull you pay for it. Same for snakes, if you want quality you more then likely will pay for it.

I also understand that people outthere buy adults simply to match their pair, but alot to just want adults to try and breed straight away.
To be honest, the average pet people pay for do not cost Thousands, and really reptiles have been in the hundred thousands and still are.. I'm not saying the affordable price is $10 but why would you pay for reptile that cost's half of your house or the cost of your car etc? The fact the prices dropped dramatically from tens of thousands to thousands or even hundreds, it's clear they were way over priced, in the long run - I guess because it's rare and new it does deserve a high price, but everything new is a high price - year(s) later it drops, it's not just's everything.

That said, I don't think paying under $100 for a reptile is a fair price (for any pythons)

Maybe i'm delusional to think that paying thousand(s) of dollars for a python is over priced.

No offense to anyone. FYI i'm not trying to drop prices for breeders. If a python is $10k and I want one, i'll wait till it drops an affordable price that I can justify to myself, I also am not one to pay minmal for best quality. A lot of people want best service, quality for minmal price...not me.

That is a fair and HONEST reply! I DO admire that and it does voice an opinion of "probably" most of the "median" true herpers out there in the community that just want a varied collection of animals. I still feel its a shame for the pioneers who invest in the hobby for us all now to benefit. It is true, almost everything comes down in price after the honeymoon period, but just slaughtering the market for a quick sale, sets a precedent that will never be changed...although IF the US market is a key indicator, things will swing, but thats another debate again...pure "quality" animals V X's/hybrids.
People say once prices are down they will never increase.... This is not always the case.

Years ago as a boy i used to keep and breed birds. Mainly finches and a few parrots. They started off a certain rice and then gradually decreased.

I went overseas for 5 years.... when i came back, certain birds were DOUBLE the price they were years previous!

Cuban finches, star finches, longtail finches. I remember all of these being $40 a pair. Now they are $80 and above! Same with certain parrot species.
g'day Waterrat ,whats the point of wasting your time posting rubbish? besides areas you obviously excel at ie gtp husbandry and breeding that's the info you should be giving out, minus the smart alec comments that go along with seem like a successful mature human being ,so why waste time throwing bananas at monkeys?
G'day fusion,

As if I wasn't giving enough info here and elsewhere. The rubbish is coming from the monkeys, I am just trying to install some balance. You are right, I am wasting my time, besides, I am starting to feel lonely ......I seem to be the only one fighting the knockers. So, I take your advice.
g'day Waterrat ,whats the point of wasting your time posting rubbish? besides areas you obviously excel at ie gtp husbandry and breeding that's the info you should be giving out, minus the smart alec comments that go along with seem like a successful mature human being ,so why waste time throwing bananas at monkeys?
I would hope that quality animals that you may produce over the years through refined breeding projects, keep their price for the effort you put in, don't you? Thats fair in my books.
Some talk about "yrs ago" like they were there... I was for a little bit, and will gaurantee for the most part, that many faces now in the hobby wouldnt have lasted a second. Fortunately times have changed, accessability to animals is now at our fingertips, and shared knowledge is at a premium, though we are at the times of the catch 22.... do we seriously allow our animals to be devalued to the point of being expendable? Me, Im on the fence.... a part of me likes that animals are coming down, almost worthless in some cases, only for knowing that the offspring are worth less than the export costs, and that a future owner will think twice about breeding animals of next to no worth (considering depreciation is a fairly consistant phenomenon when availability is exponential). Im not one to preach prices to be colluded, or really care what others are selling for, but to be a sustainable hobby, for the most part, we have to create our own sustainable economy. Fortunately, like most other animal related hobbies, the crash is enevitable, though the future depends on the reaction.
its a forum Waterrat, cars ,bikes ,snakes ,elavators (yes elavators), Cats...all have haters.
its pointless trying to install balance, prices are dropping only time will tell...not much we can do about it.
I would hope that quality animals that you may produce over the years through refined breeding projects, keep their price for the effort you put in, don't you? Thats fair in my books.

mate at the end of the day even quality will struggle to sell ,if someone can get it somewere else cheaper, most people wont care about quality....its a nice thought that people will be honest with the animals they sell and people will pay what they are worth...but in todays herp scene, its drop your prices or keep your hatchy racks filled.
Some talk about "yrs ago" like they were there... I was for a little bit, and will gaurantee for the most part, that many faces now in the hobby wouldnt have lasted a second. Fortunately times have changed, accessability to animals is now at our fingertips, and shared knowledge is at a premium, though we are at the times of the catch 22.... do we seriously allow our animals to be devalued to the point of being expendable? Me, Im on the fence.... a part of me likes that animals are coming down, almost worthless in some cases, only for knowing that the offspring are worth less than the export costs, and that a future owner will think twice about breeding animals of next to no worth (considering depreciation is a fairly consistant phenomenon when availability is exponential). Im not one to preach prices to be colluded, or really care what others are selling for, but to be a sustainable hobby, for the most part, we have to create our own sustainable economy. Fortunately, like most other animal related hobbies, the crash is enevitable, though the future depends on the reaction.
Hello..that was my next comment word for word ihaveherps, thanks for stealing it! Seriously though, that is my thoughts to a tee! Thanks mate! ;)
i assume that once prices reach rock bottom alot of people wont be able to afford to breed and raise them anymroe, and then demand will once again outweigh supply and prices can rise again,...prices have been dropping too fast for the trend to continue.
Agree but we don't have to support it. Silence and inaction can mean support.

too True....most of the hybrid haters stopped , now look what has happend.
but good things are going to come from it IMO...just look at barramundis threads.

mate at the end of the day even quality will struggle to sell ,if someone can get it somewere else cheaper, most people wont care about quality....its a nice thought that people will be honest with the animals they sell and people will pay what they are worth...but in todays herp scene, its drop your prices or keep your hatchy racks filled.
Thats the reality NOW. But wont always will be.
Now that we are talking on a Business perspective yeh, I will share something that I experience daily as an example and a "trend". I have a Business that was many years ago, 100% solely based on dept of Housing Maintenance Contracts. Now we have grown the Business and diversified in Solar PV installs both residential and in schools and other "CURRENT" niche markets throughout Australia. Since investing and leading in this new and "hip" market for the interim technologies, we have not forgotten our roots (Housing contracts)....there are so many Companies now tendering and flooding the market with the new and hip Solar PV market, that prices have dropped dramatically and will be at a point very soon where I will pull I have already done in some contracts. Why? because it was a boom and now the OLD faithful Housing Contracts, although NOT as glamorous as Solar PV, is running its course and as had its day in some scenarios due to Government rebates etc have been exhausted.
The analogy with herps is the same. A quick cash grab on the latest fad, doesn't make for a long term sustainable Business proposition and this relates to the new fads with herps. As much as I love the new "herp"scene it is awesome, we dont need to get our knickers in a knot as the balance will be adjusted.
Thats the reality NOW. But wont always will be.
Now that we are talking on a Business perspective yeh, I will share something that I experience daily as an example and a "trend". I have a Business that was many years ago, 100% solely based on dept of Housing Maintenance Contracts. Now we have grown the Business and diversified in Solar PV installs both residential and in schools and other "CURRENT" niche markets throughout Australia. Since investing and leading in this new and "hip" market for the interim technologies, we have not forgotten our roots (Housing contracts)....there are so many Companies now tendering and flooding the market with the new and hip Solar PV market, that prices have dropped dramatically and will be at a point very soon where I will pull I have already done in some contracts. Why? because it was a boom and now the OLD faithful Housing Contracts, although NOT as glamorous as Solar PV, is running its course and as had its day in some scenarios due to Government rebates etc have been exhausted.
The analogy with herps is the same. A quick cash grab on the latest fad, doesn't make for a long term sustainable Business proposition and this relates to the new fads with herps. As much as I love the new "herp"scene it is awesome, we dont need to get our knickers in a knot as the balance will be adjusted.

This is gold! We have already started to move away from just breeding snakes! Its a slow and expensive process but we will get there eventually. Evolve or Die. It also helps that I hate my day job!!!!!!!
I think years from now these Pure breed pythons will be more expensive than the jags/RPM crosses etc, just you wait :) by then, a lot of people will have crosses and it will be hard to find the pure breeds!

Like MINI's were dirt cheep now they are collectable, antique and cost a bit.
The years of the full time reptile breeder are numbered. Remember one thing people when you own a pure local specific bred reptile you own a piece of this unique country! thats what sets keeping native herps a bar above owning common pets like dogs, cats etc. Not only do you own a piece of australia but you own a piece of our history.! how many designer dogs and cats lived here 2 or 300 years ago. I guess the point ime trying to make is snakes are special pets dont breed too many and they will remain special breed for the love of the animal not the money.
Finding some else to try and make money out of.

Years ago when i first got into reptiles. It was more about doing some thing you love, some thing you are passionate for.

Today it all seems about money.
Just put the "meat" back in this topic....fed my crew in between...... :)
Waterrat - would like to add that this topic is not worth going fishing for.
There was a distinct northerly today. :)
Tomorrow looks better.
Snake price is going down and Rats are more expensive. That cuts out the profit.
This is hard on full time breeders. I think that some of them will give up in near future. This will give more chance for small blokes to offload some of their hobby bred stocks.
Market always adjust it self.
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