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I don't know, been a bit quiet around here lately! What happened with that thing on Sunday? Did it go down? Surely there would have been some comments in here afterwards?! Considering they have this thread to thank for it! A bit rude I think...
lol, yep Sunday happened. Couple of people i expected to show didn't bu hey, we're all an anti-social bunch anyway :p Serpentor, myself, CL and God showed for an afternoon of steak, beer and swapping stories. We're all keen to do it again soon, would be great if more people were interested too :)
no, that it did not. Serp and i are not single, and unless CL fancies God i dont see anything happpening there...
Damn, it's a shame that god doesn't resemble a chook or he would had a big night ahead of him!
Time of death 5.25pm 1/2/10
It was a good thread, many a laugh was shared with new friends.
You will live on in our memories :cry:
RIP Single Herpers RIP

*huggles* We will always have each other. We must remain strong to allow it’s spirit to live on through us.

I’ll never let go Single Herpers Thread, I’ll never let go...
wow. im a little dissapointed in myself. im facebooking, chatting on gmail and watching Event Horizon at the same time. i think i'll just try and stay on this thread for a little while, loool.
Considering your contribution of late Amy, I'm starting to think you've already let go, and are forgetting us :(

:O Tis not true! I have had a few more ‘family issues’ lately, plus I haven’t had any internet until last night so I haven’t been able to get on the computer! I wanted to be here! I truly did! I was so very much enjoying our conversation on ghosts until my internet credit ran out!
Where exactly can this thread go from here?...I think ever topic has been covered! Any ideas? :D
"A report indicates that email relationships can be far more intimate than normal dating. Women are most likely to find a potential lover online, with 72% admitting to having had an online romance, compared to 52% of men. The report also found that 33% of all online relationships led to a date."
time for another ad then?

"Young farmer with 100 acres would be pleased to hear from young lady with tractor. Please send photograph of tractor."
"Submissive male seeks dominant female with extensive knowledge of knots."
:O Tis not true! I have had a few more ‘family issues’ lately, plus I haven’t had any internet until last night so I haven’t been able to get on the computer! I wanted to be here! I truly did! I was so very much enjoying our conversation on ghosts until my internet credit ran out!

Ok ok, your let off! Hope the fam drama worked/works out.

Where exactly can this thread go from here?...I think ever topic has been covered! Any ideas? :D

I have no idea. Due to the fact I have no answer to your question, I shouldn't be replying, but we must milk these convo's for as long as possible to keep this thing alive! Something will spark up naturally, and we'll have another 30 pages in 1 night. Considering we made the longest thread ever in a few days, I think we should all be very proud of ourselves!
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