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that is awesssssome. great vid! tried feeding Nubi again about 2 days ago but wasnt interested at all... and today i woke up and he was out of hiding.. and is still out of hiding.. very strange behaviour recently :S. but great vid ill have to get something up like this when i get a decent cam lol
they have their days, my 2 y/o used to always be in her hide by the time the sun came up, but now she is out basking untill 9-10 each morning, 1 y/o has always been out ontop of his hides 80% of the day, and kuddles is out bout 50% of the day, hides from bout 12-5 each day. What are your temps like up there at the moment? Its been really cold here lately and i have had to turn my heating up slightly to keep the 32-28 gradient. It seems as tho my older snakes are realising that it is starting to cool down so they are spending more of the morning under the heat source basking and then going to hide. Even lily who has blue eyes has been out baskin the last 2 mornings, so maybe thats why he turned down the feed, but all of mine are still feeding fine.
yeah, it was just such strange behaviour, was back in the hide today.. was only yesterday so far that its ever happened with me... to be 100% honest i havent got thermometeres in the enclosure, i been so busy recently i havent got round to it.. but i have 7W heat matt that coversabout 1/4 of the enclosure.. which Nubi Never goes near when its on.. i usually keep it on at night time only, and turn it off during the day, sometimes leave it on though... but yeah temps have been the same really..
I hate wasting the mice... i will wait another 2 or 3 days before trying again... i've only had him out about a total of 3-4 times since i got him (4 or so weeks ago) but i dont wanna keep holding him if i gonna feed him soon but i wanna keep up the handling so he gets used to me :O
it just takes time. my little stubborn coastal, macchiato, was hiding and not eating. now the little guy is out every night and exploring and eats well. they just have to get used to it.

i have the mat on a thermostat, but it doesn't cover more then 1/5 of the tub. that way there's a decent gradient.

i could video my older coastal feeding after a few months.
When you feed nubi how much do you "annoy" him with the mouse? To get Kuddles to feed i have to gently tap him on the side of the body/neck and up around the head for up to 5 mins before he will strike at the food, which is down from 15-20 mins when i fist got him, and i have found that at the moment he like to be fed out of his enclosure while hanging from something, and he prefers rats over mice. It sucks when you have to waste mice/rats coz they wont eat, maybe let him go another 4 days or so before offering again, it wont hurt him, and he might be a bit hungrier by then. I have read posts/threads where peoples hatchies havnt eaten for months and they are still fine.
it just takes time. my little stubborn coastal, macchiato, was hiding and not eating. now the little guy is out every night and exploring and eats well. they just have to get used to it.

i have the mat on a thermostat, but it doesn't cover more then 1/5 of the tub. that way there's a decent gradient.

i could video my older coastal feeding after a few months.

How long did it take for macchiato to come round to being held and fed frequently? i def will get a thermometer.. i am hoping its not too hot... jus cause he doesnt go near it really...
yeah get a video of ur coastal feeding :D

When you feed nubi how much do you "annoy" him with the mouse? To get Kuddles to feed i have to gently tap him on the side of the body/neck and up around the head for up to 5 mins before he will strike at the food, which is down from 15-20 mins when i fist got him, and i have found that at the moment he like to be fed out of his enclosure while hanging from something, and he prefers rats over mice. It sucks when you have to waste mice/rats coz they wont eat, maybe let him go another 4 days or so before offering again, it wont hurt him, and he might be a bit hungrier by then. I have read posts/threads where peoples hatchies havnt eaten for months and they are still fine.

lol well the first time i tried to play with his food there was 0 interest.. he never ate it. the second attempt of feeding he ate and i didnt tempt him cause its guts burst all over my hands and itself when i was feeling to see if it thawed properly, and he took it straight away. this time i put it in not much interest, cut its stomach and it flicked its tongue near it.. left it overnight with nubi in another enclosure but nothing so chucked it out and put him back.
mayb ill try in a couple days to tempt him not too worried bout him not eating yet...
so i shuldnt try n hold him til a few days after he feeds next? read that it can turn them off their food if u hold em too much.
macchiato was fine to handle straight away. before first feed. the feeding was a pain, but i just kept at it. now i just poke the mouse near it's face and it goes for it.

holding them just after they eat can cause them to regurge. just make sure the little guy has warmth and a place to hide, and leave him alone after feeding.

getting them to feed properly is the hardest part. after that it's easy
totally agree with ya perkele, was going to say to get a thermometer and check your temps, handling 3-4 times in 4 weeks isnt what i would class as overhandling, coz if the heats not right they wont eat. Once you get the feeding sorted, i'd let him digest for 48 hrs or so before handling, but other than that it should be fine
ok ill try that... and ill get my hands on a thermometer or two for each end tomorrow and make sure temps are right :),, i jus enjoy handling Nubi, wanna take him out some more but it seems like theres always a reason not to haha
yeah i know that feeling, why do you think i have 3? That way i can always have 1 that i can handle!! If your not looking at spending big $$$ on a thermometer try get your hands on a reptileone digital dual probe thermometer, i picked some up the other day for under $20 each from my local herp shop which is about the same price as the round black dial ones.
awesome ill look into that over the next day or two, thanks.. hahha yeahhh i'd get murdered if i thought about more than Nubi.. i already cop an earful every day or two bout it haha
lol....i cop that off my mum, more so for the fact that i let the kids handle the snakes, but my partner and the kids love em so i can get as many as i want, as long as i get my partner some gex she'll be happy ;)
hahahhaa nice one... i have been trying to plot a way on getting mum to hold him... nothing successful yet.. almost didnt hold the shedded skin haha! oh well.. mayb in good time... hopefully before he gets tooo big :)
once he's feeding and you can handle him a bit more she will start to relax when she see that he dont try to eat you at every oppotunity, and she might come around, but then again some people never Just keep hanging around in the same room as her while you are handling nubi and hope... if not, you know how to get the house to yourself for the night "ummmm mum...nubi got out of his enclosure an i cant find him......" ;)
hahahaha yeah she would KILLLL ME, prob start spraying mortein or something lol!
but yea thats a good idea, she freaks everytime she see's it and says get it away!!! bla bla bla lol...oh well.. itll all work out in time i guess. second day Nubi has been in his toilet roll all day today... i adjusted the heat matt so it was covering less of the click clack and it must of been more comfortable for him which is a good sign :)
lmao, you gotta love people like that. My partners step-mum is petrified and every time she comes around she stands at the front door untill we promise that the snakes are in their enclosures, so we get her comfy with a coffee and then get one of the kids to take lilith out to the lounge wrapped around their neck... its hilarious! I've never used a heat mat, always ceramics/blue party globed depending on the enclosure, but once you got your thermometer and get it all good it should be easy to keep it that way.

Kuddles had a feed tonight, was a 12 gram pinky rat, best part was that he was out hunting around when i went to defrost his pinky and when i came back he was in hiis hide, so i just gently lifted it off him, and sat the pinky on the enclosure floor next to him, he uncovered his head and smashed it, no hassling or nothing. Give it a little time and you will work out when nubi wants to eat, and he will learn that when it is offered to take it. Up until now i have been feeding every 4-5 days but i left it an extra day before offering and it worked out good.
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i've taken ef3as into work a couple of times, and the people who freak out about it are amusing. they stay away, but after they realise everyone else is keen, they come up for a touch.

my girlfriend loves my snakes, but freaked out when she realised how big the coastals were going to get (after seeing stewydead's big guy). that's why i got her a GTP
Perkele i have the opposite problem to you when it comes to my girlfriend and the size of snakes. We had been keeping snakes for a few months and were looking for a new addition. I was looking for a coastal that was around the 4-5 foot mark, and she found a beautiful Tully Coastal that was around 8 foot and about 9kg, and i had a fight on my hands to talk her out of it. I know my coastals will get big, but i want my experience to grow with them, especially with 4 kids in the house!
hmm so havent had much to say, nubi has been pretty quiet :)... its been a month since he has fed.. wasted another mouse yesterday :( i tempted him for over 20min. sliced the mouse open and showed more interest and BAM out of no where i got THE SHOCK OF MY LIFE!!!!! he struck at the mouse but missed.. i kept playin with it but he didn seem interested at all, tried to go outta the enclosure and them kept going reallllllly close to the mouse then moving away..
the only real interest in it was when the strike happened.. that was it. :S oh well i guess i will wait some more...
hmm i think thats a little strange for a hatchie, but i'm not 100% sure, as kuddles is still eating every 4-6 days. How did you go getting a thermometer? If ya got one what are ya temps like? He's still in his click-clack yeah? Has it got enough ventilation to keep the humidity down? And what is it sitting on? wood, tile, cement? coz if you have an air temp thermometer the heat transfer from something that is cool might be making him feel colder than what the air temp is. I'm just trying to think of the things i have read/been told that might turn him off his food.
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