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Qldmorelias,- Huh, bad very bad examples. Striped carpets and striped jungles are very common in the wild, much more common than most people think. Ive seen wild examples that are as good as any bred in captivity.
Platinum macs are a naturally occuring intergade between macs and stimsons found on the western slopes of the tablelands and you will find examples of these in the wild that are as good or better than any bred in captivity.
So both these examples that you spoke about are just like their wild type cousins.
As for greens, untill all the recent mass illegal imports the last few years and illegal poaching from the cape, people would get what they could get just to aquire greens. Now it seems there and many pure lines available.

Mudimans,- Im only going by what i understood from conversations with QPWS. I agree the law is silly when it comes to mutations and should be re-worded some what. In the case of breeding hybrids between species and sub-species they need to enforce it more imo.
Once again like Qldmorelias, your examples are all naturally occouring wild type animals, stripes, hypos, high yellow diamonds, b/w jungles and gold headed bhps are all rather common wild type animals.
This is just disgusting all you people who want to destroy the Australian snakes by supporting theses mongrel snakes breeders. You should be prod to have some of the nicest snakes in the world as they are meant to be. I realy hope these breeder get what's coming to them

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Mate I am not the one creating hytrionics.

I am simply stating where does one draw the line? According to cris's definition what I said would be a hybrid.

lol no, I'm saying you're the sensible one by pointing out the histrionics that go on here ^_^

I perfectly agree with you, some of the more insane members here seem to think that all animals should be somehow bred to create clones. :lol:
lol no, I'm saying you're the sensible one by pointing out the histrionics that go on here ^_^

I perfectly agree with you, some of the more insane members here seem to think that all animals should be somehow bred to create clones. :lol:

Sorry mate! Took it the wrong way.

Anyway I am out of this thread - don't post often. Now I remember why :lol:
lol no, I'm saying you're the sensible one by pointing out the histrionics that go on here ^_^

I perfectly agree with you, some of the more insane members here seem to think that all animals should be somehow bred to create clones. :lol:

Im not saying that ppl should only breed clones (assuming im the insane person you mention), just pointing out that there are heaps of unnatural hyrbids already around. There are also plenty a pure locality animals around and you can even get legal wild caught specimens of some species if thats what you want, but if you arnt interested in the sentimental value of having something that is a pure line from a particular locale then i dont see why it would even be an issue. I personally think its nice to have a pure locale animal, but i still have plenty of animals that arnt or i dont know their background well or at all.

This has already been flogged to death in this thread
To all the haters out there.
you dont have to like what we are doing, the solution is simple, IF YOU DONT LIKE THEM, DONT LOOK AT THEM. We all have the right to our opinion and we all have different tastes in regards to what we want to see bred.
By the amount of positive feedback there is definately room in the hobby for designer animals, in fact there is room for both sides. You guys can go your way and we'll go ours, no bad blood.

See you haters in 5-10 years
Thats how long it will take for most breeders to realise this is where the hobby is going.
eg designer greens
Reduced Pattern
etc etc etc
Im not saying that ppl should only breed clones (assuming im the insane person you mention), just pointing out that there are heaps of unnatural hyrbids already around. There are also plenty a pure locality animals around and you can even get legal wild caught specimens of some species if thats what you want, but if you arnt interested in the sentimental value of having something that is a pure line from a particular locale then i dont see why it would even be an issue. I personally think its nice to have a pure locale animal, but i still have plenty of animals that arnt or i dont know their background well or at all.

This has already been flogged to death in this thread

I wasn't talking about anyone in particular, least of all you :D Just addressing a general air of zealotry that tends to pop up from time to time. I can see decent arguments for both sides of the divide, I simply don't enjoy the "black-or-white . with-us-or-against-us . good-and-evil" sorts of arguments. Nothing's that simple, surely?.
You seem to have made the assumption that anyone who disagrees with what you consider to be acceptable is automatically a "hater"? Are we supposed to trot merrily along like the Emperor's subjects, blithely ignoring the fact that the dude is up there naked just because we're worried people will think we're stupid if we speak out? Sure, there are some extremists, there are always going to be people who take their opinion as gospel and ram it down your throat like an television Evangelist in peak rating season - obviously that's unacceptable. And yes, there should be some respect for the opinions of others. But that doesn't automatically mean that anyone who disagrees with you has to look the other way and not volunteer constructive critiscism.
Sorry Kersten
I see and agree with your point, just getting fed up with some particular people and merely want to make the point that there is room for all and obviously some people dont agree with the direction that the hobby is heading.

No offense meant to the people out there who are offering a polite and opposite opinion to ours
Sorry Kersten
I see and agree with your point, just getting fed up with some particular people and merely want to make the point that there is room for all and obviously some people dont agree with the direction that the hobby is heading.

No offense meant to the people out there who are offering a polite and opposite opinion to ours

Im not trying to sound rude, but get over it, you are doing something that is possibly illegal and im sure you would have known that some are strongly against it. You cant expect everyone to just go "oh they look nice, im going to change my opinion now" many never will. You would have more luck getting John Howard to vote for Kevin Rudd at the last election(keeping in mind that you would have to travel back in time to do that).

Anyway they are nice looking snakes :)
i think they look really nice, in fact im rather jealous, i would love to own something looking like that! and im glad someone is taking the step of changing the way we view the herp hobby in Australia. i think what you are doing is a great thing keep it up

Nat ;)
No offence intended qldmorelias but most of those examples once again are wild type animals,
reduced pattern etc, are all wild type animals. Infact it makes me laugh when i see alot of pics of what some people call reduced pattern animals thinking they are something special, when infact they are just another common form found in the wild. Not reduced pattern at all just another common form of a highly variable python species. ie carpets and jungles.

In 5-10 years i still wont be interested in keeping or breeding hybrids no matter what they look like.
Why bother when even most of your examples of where you think the hobby is heading are all wild type animals.
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well i have been following this thread with interest and antisipation, i have examined all the pros and cos and i for one am undecided and sitting on the fence for the time being. Unfortunately unless the law is changed to adequately describe what it wants in this country, nothing will change and i see it not as a possibility but a fact that this type of breeding will continue and become more prevalent. Like it or lump it we all are part of the hobby, and this is what brings us together on this site. I would like to thank Qld Morelias for having the courage to bring this forward. I look forward to more pics and updates and of course the normal debate.
Hybrids or not...they're still pythons. You people make me sick.
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